Chapter 22: The Imperial Conference of the Parpaldia Empire

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It is of utmost importance that the Parpaldia Empire demonstrate strategic foresight and act decisively in the face of any potential threat the FPDA contains.




Central Calendar Year 1639, Month 11, Day 19. Paradis Palace, Imperial Capital of Esthirant, Parpaldia Empire

As the moon begins to shine over the Eastern horizon of the northern end of the capital city of the Parpaldia Empire; Esthirant, lies the Paradis Palace where not just the young His Majesty Emperor Ludius resides, but also served as a place where the Imperial Conference is held.

The dignitaries of the Parpaldia Empire lay on the floor of the massive, grand conference room as the air thickened with anticipation. The imminent audience with the esteemed Emperor of the Parpaldia Empire, Emperor Ludius, was about to occur. This meeting held the utmost significance for all stakeholders involved, and the attending statesmen were acutely aware of the gravity of the situation.

 This meeting held the utmost significance for all stakeholders involved, and the attending statesmen were acutely aware of the gravity of the situation

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The chairman of the conference room then made an announcement right after the Emperor entered the room.

"The Emperor's Assembly shall now commence,"

"Mr Chairman, I appreciate your presence at this conference. Now, on to our first objective of this meeting," 

The Emperor then turned towards a middle-aged man with a moustache and long sideburns. His outfit resembles a sort of Napoleonic military uniform. 

"Supreme Commander of the Parpaldia Imperial Armed Forces, Arde," 

"Your Majesty!" the Parpaldian Supreme Commander answered with a firm tone.

"Are we in control of the Altaras Kingdom?"

"Yes, Your Majesty! Proudly speaking, the entirety of the Altaras Kingdom has been subdued. The main army is currently preparing to withdraw so that they can regroup to attack the Fenn Kingdom,"

"Excellent, Supreme Commander Arde! Excellent! And you too, Sir Kaios. Your effort in dealing with the Altarasan is truly splendid," 

Ludius complimented both Arde and Kaios for their efforts. Arde was visibly proud of herself, but Kaios could only manage a forced smile; he was the one who had helped the Princess of the Altaras Kingdom and the rest of the Royal Altarasan Kingdom's family escape from a terrible fate.

"Still, Don't be too happy, Sir Kaios... You haven't brought us your report regarding the failed punitive strike by the Imperial Oversight Army of the Parpaldia Empire against the Fenn Kingdom. So, I would like to know, where is it? Where is the report, Sir Kaios?" asked Ludius.

As the Emperor said this, everyone inside the conference had their eyes locked onto Kaios. This causes him to sweat profusely while biting his lower lip, a sign of nervousness. Realizing that staying silent for a moment won't help, and the fact that the situation wasn't on his side, he quickly answered.

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