Chapter 1: not expelled

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"Calypso Stone and Baxter Radic to the principals office, please." Mr John's voice boomed over the PA. I found Bax's gaze on mine across the chemistry lab, "I repeat.. Calypso Stone and Baxter Radic to the principals office, please." We looked at each other and giggled as we made our way out of the room and across the hallway.

"What did you think he thinks we did now?" Bax asked
"I dunno. I hope he didn't find that  snake family in the thropy room."
"Awh, I hope not . How are they doing?"
"I fed them early this morning and was gonna go down there during lunch,"
"Early this morning? You went to school early again. " Bax sighed."Is everything okay? Is it bad again??" He seemed worried.
"Eh, it's been worse." I brushed it off and knocked on the door.

"Enter." A slightly annoyed voice responded behind the door, and I gave Bax one last look as he opened the doors and marched inside as I followed right behind him, closing the door.

"So.." Mr John started
"Want to tell me what you two did today?" His voice was angrier than ever.
"Sure, but can we make it quick, I'm kinda hungry." I said and took a seat next to Bax.

"Where were you all day?" He asked
"In class"
"Ans where where you when the Glitter bomb went off in the math classroom on the second floor?"

"Oh, so that's what this is about."
"I you know I'm kinda disappointed that he didn't find the snake family, i mea it's been almost two weeks," I whispered to Bax, and he tried to stifle a laugh

"This is not funny, Mr Radic. Somebody put a glitter bomb in the math classroom today, and it went off with a loud bang! A student got some in his eye and was almost sent to the emergency room, "  Mr John exploded. Like the glitter bomb

"Why did you think it was us? You have no evidence, do you?" Bax said finally
"Yes, because someone left their notebook," Mr John opened a drawer "behind, in the security room, right after i got notified that the security camera on the third floor wasn't working."


"And this notebook seems to be filled with passwords and emails that nobody should know, except the school staff." He continued
"Isn't this your handwriting, Miss Stone?"
"Maybe," I said. Knowing we were busted

"I really was going to give you a third and final chance, Miss Stone."

"So is she expelled? Please don't expell her it was all me. I dragged her into it this time. It was all my fault." Bax pleaded, and I was thankful for that.

"No, you are not expelled. And neither are you." I sighed in relief.
"Good, so can we go to lunch?" I asked

"Yes, but first. You will be going to clear out your locker."
"What?! But you just said she wasn't expelled!?" Bax cried

"Yes, because her parents will be removing her from this school."
My jaw dropped open.
"What?" I stared at Bax in disbelief.

"Your parents will be here in two hours. And as for you, Baxter, this is your last and final warning, and i hope now that you won't have Calypso by your side, you will behave." Mr John said.


"That's so unfair!" I cried out while clearing out my locker.
"Why are they taking me out of the school when they put me here in the first place?" Bax gave me a hug
"Come on, i'll get you a sandwich." He said as we walked to the lunchroom


I was in the backseat of my parents' car. Waiting for them to finish talking to Mr John.

"You'll take care of the Snakes, won't you?" I asked Bax, who was leaning  next to the car."
"Ye. You can count on me Cal"
"I'll promise to sneak in whenever I can. That is when I find out what school I'll be transferring to." I stuck my hand out the open window to pet Bax's dog, Daisy.
School ended hours ago, and my parents have been here since then, talking to the principal.
"Man, how long does it take to get my papers out of this place." I sighed just as the entrance doors opened and my parents walked out.

"I'll... uh text you later. Or better, I'll come to yours when it gets dark." He said and squeezed my hand and said bye as quickly as he could.

I watched him walk off with Daisy.

My parents didn't like Bax because they thought he was a bad influence on me. But we are in the same team together, so there was no avoiding each other, so our friendship grew and grew, so now we are basically inseparable.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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