I Left and headed to the Theater, going down to the lower level where people were planning the next show to play.

I walked over to the storage bin and picked up a clipboard that I had dropped off on my training day when I was getting a tour around the place.
I wrote down an extra list of items I needed and walked out.

A few people were in there talking and chatting and whatever until I tapped my pen on my clipboard.
I was giving the head role in the department since the last had quit.
"Alright people, first things first and it's simple. Three chairs are needed at table 3B in the atrium due to kids jumping and breaking them. Table cloth 47 is needed in private party rooms 6 and 11."

I checked those off as people ran to grab them and send them up.

"Next, and this is a big one so we're gonna need lots of orders and hands, a new table for Monty's room, as well as some new posters and a neon light. We need to place an order for a new mirror, as well as a new pull out couch for Monty. We should also make sure the trash cans in both Chica and Monty's rooms are being emptied more frequently, once every hour. I'm also requesting new curtains and paint for Monty's walls. We also need to make a call to our contusion team and fill the holes and cracks in the walls. We need the electrical team to come and replace the bulbs and fix the light switch. I want this all done pronto.

"Monty's room?" One of the small, female employees asked surprised.
"No one's touched that place since we've opened. How come you're suddenly interested in it? I mean.. do you know how much all of this will cost? This will make a huge dent in our already small budget."

"Yes.. but, it will also raise funds. If Monty's free for photos and autographs, more people will pay to see him. I mean, I've looked over some of the complaints from parents, and most are because their kids were upset they didn't get to see Monty."

"Yeah, " Dave, a guy employee I knew from my training day, scoffed, "like Monty's gonna keep his room clean long enough for this to last."

"Oh he will! I've grown very close with the animatronics since I'm also a night guard, and Monty seems to like me."

"Ok yeah.. but does he listen to you?"
"Yes, actually."
"Oh shit, he really does."
"Heheh," the girl, who's name I learned to be Tina, giggled, "I wonder how Vanessa feels being one upped like this."

"You know.. I still have yet to meet Vanessa."
"Well she's on shift tomorrow, you might see her."
"Maybe... we'll see."

I continued my task, marking spots on a map of what I'd seen that needs to be fixed over the last few nights. I ran ab inventory stock and added up the cost of what we needed to order and what our budget currently was.
The budget was small but we had plenty enough money to cover the bills.

I did a mandatory walk around the basement of the place. Checking the laundry supplies and sending out emails over my Fazwatch.

Then I went up to the main stage and started cleaning. Wiping off the tables and the chairs, sweeping the floors and discarded the extra food.

"You need some help out here?" A woman asked, I looked up to see a woman with long blonde hair in a ponytail, with a uniform similar to mine, with a security hat on.
"Oh no, don't worry, I've got it." She walked over to me, grabbing the Security card which hung from one of those stretchy cords on my belt.
"Only level 4? As a security guard you should be up to 10."
"Well... I'm new."
She looked up with her bright green eyes.

She stuck out her hand for me to shake.
"Vanessa, head security guard, you?"
"Nice to meet ya' have you met the robots yet?"
I blushed.
"Yes I am... quite familiar."
"How are they? I Hope they're not too mean to our new staff member."
"No they've been... very nice."
"Even Monty? If he ever comes out of his room." She whispered under her breath.

"Yes, especially Monty. I've been hearing that a lot. That he must really like me if he listens to my orders and lets me wear his sunglasses.
She blinked at me, confused.
"He listens to you? He lets you wear his glasses? What's next? He lets you in his room.."
She joked.
But I stayed silent and looked away.

"Maybe because I'm a guy?"
A: he's not that sexist.
B: he doesn't listen to other male coworkers
And c: what the hell?"

"Yeah I'm... I'm confused too."
My Fazwatch rang and it was my time to clock out.
"See you on the Night Shift Tomorrow?" She asked cheerfully.
"Yeah, hopefully."
We both giggled and I turned around to leave.

As I was walking back to Monty's room to take an Tylenol for this splitting headache I've had all day, I was stopped by a familiar face.

That damn fox...

Word count: 1,622

"I'm not gay" (Monty x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now