Sleeping in the barn

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No one POV

Y/n's grounding was over by those 2 days. But that doesn't exempt him from having nightmares, tonight. It was raining outside, the farm animals are asleep, the farmer, is asleep and, y/n is asleep in his bed. With a bandage still on his arm, the wound is supposed to heal when the skin reattach itself, before removing the stitches. And, y/n is nervous as heck about it too. But that's not the case as of now, right now. He is slightly stirring in his sleep with a small hint of cold sweats appearing on his forehead.

This shows he's having a nightmare...

In his nightmare, we see the non-verbal kid walking around in darkness until he sees something in the distance, something that is stacked on top of each other, like...wait...

Y/n, ran towards the stacked to reveal the barnyard gang! Y/n, was happy to see them before his expression now filled with horror once he got a good look at them.

Freddy, looked beaten as blood poured out from his mouth and some broken parts of his body.

Pig, has claw slashes all over his body including one having his eye scratched out.

Peck, had lost both of his limbs, only leaving his right wing left while looking bloodied.

Duke, has a large bite mark on his neck as blood poured from his mouth, like Freddy.

Abby, was scratched and beaten as she had bite marks on her included her slightly damaged udder with bits of blood in her chest.

Pip, had his head decapitated and his stomach ripped opened which made, y/n gag in terror before looking straight at, Otis.

Otis...he was in worst condition possible, he had bite, scratches, and blood all over his body as there's a tear missing from his udder and he has his ear bitten off and blood poured all over from his mouth as he laid there lifeless. Dead.

Y/n, stared in horror before he went to the farm animals as tears streamed from his eyes as he began to cry, it was quickly stopped once he heard growling coming behind him. Coming out of the shadows was Dag, and the coyotes that surrounded him and the bodies as they had blood dripping from their mouths and their coats, especially Dag who looked like he was chewing on something before he swallowed it.

Dag, grinned with his bloody teeth sharp as he came closer to the young non-verbal boy as he said in a most sadistic tone.

Dag: Hello, little-one. Your animal friends were quite delicious weren't they? Especially with that "ROUND" one get it? Because HE'S FAT! (Cackles)

Y/n, stood there in fear as, the rusty red coyote stops laughing before grinning again while licking his lips. Y/n, looked like as if he's trying to say something but couldn't udder a gibberish word or sound as, Dag taunted.

Dag: awww-what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

The boy shook his head no and before he knew it, a random coyote jumped on him on the arm and bite down hard enough to rip a piece of skin off. Y/n screamed in agony as he tried to push the coyote off from him and failed to do so as he got attacked by another coyote as he scratched him by the side of the head, getting right into the eye as he screamed louder before falling down as he got mobbed by a bunch of coyotes who scratched and bit him down hard as he continued to scream in painful agony.

They finally stopped as they took steps back away from y/n as, Dag walked towards him before holding up his paw, one of his sharp claws grew long and sharp before he sadistically smirked and drove his claw on his stomach before opening him up, showing his guts...

End of nightmare

Y/n, shot up and yelled a little as he panted while looking around his room with slight panic in his eyes as he looked around the room and window to see it was raining outside as it pelted against the window.

He reached to scratch his arm before feeling a sting coursing through said arm as he shut his eyes tight and gritted his teeth while giving out a whimper of pain as he realized it was his stitched-bandage arm as he opened his eyes again and looked down to his bed as he repositioned into crossed leg, he checked his clock to see it was 2:53 AM as he was nearly wide awake, in his pajamas.

Y/n: (mutters in sound)

He then realized what, Otis has said to him while they were back camping as the sentence echoed through his mind.

Otis' words: "maybe once we get back, you can sleep in the barn tonight, maybe even with"

Y/n: ???

Otis' words: "I said; maybe once we get back, you can sleep in the barn tonight, maybe even with me...did I say that I think I have I'm not sure if those are the words."

He sighed and decided to go in the barn for the night, just like old times right? Maybe not to, y/n ever since bens gone. And duke is sleeping with the farmer tonight.

Y/n pov

I got my blanket, pillow, and slippers on till then I  run out of the house and into the barn while using my blanket as a cover myself from the rain until I managed to get in the farm building. I walked around the barn until I found, Otis berth.

I walked in the berth and the first I saw was, Otis sleeping before I moved some hay out of the way. I lay down beside him and was intended to get some rest again, until my mind fixated on something else. I opened my eyes and look at, Otis' udder as it looked pink and jiggly like jello as ever, I got back up and repositioned my head on his udder as I gently rubbed on it. Right now; my legs and feet face his chest while looking at his milk maker.

Suddenly, Otis repositioned in his sleep before he stared face up. Including his udder, my mind decided to pick myself up and get on top of him. I lowered my head down and covered myself with the said blanket.

I closed my eyes again as I slept on top of, Otis and my head on his udder no less. To add the cherry on top with a vanilla sundae with chocolate syrup covering the top with peanuts on it; I hugged it and squeezed it a little and tried my best to go back to sleep until what seems like 40's minutes has past. I finally went to sleep....

A/n: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERNODY!! Finally got to finish this chapter for a bit now, so hoped you enjoyed it. Sorry for not being quite productive for my other stories tho I'm just not that exactly motivated to finish a chapter on one of my stories on my Wattpad account, kinda on a writers block know what I'm saying? Anywho; have a good night/day everyone.

Words: 1223

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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Silent Boy and the barnyard (BATB x non-verbal child reader.)Where stories live. Discover now