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"Dinner is served" Emery announced to Silas, who was back on the couch reading a book on his tablet.

Books were the one thing he could count on. They never changed up on him, or hurt him. They were his peace. He closed the tablet, Ace following behind him as he always did.

Entering the kitchen he sat in his usual spot at the island. Emery set the food down the plate still steaming. The lamb was cooked to perfection, and the macaroni baked to the right point. The asparagus was seasoned. Emery was proud.

Her cobbler would be nice and cooled in a few minutes. She had just taken it out the oven allowing it to sit on the stovetop. Emery watched as Silas took his first bite of the macaroni. She grinned when he took two more bites, and another.

And she could've sworn his eyes rolled to the back of his head. It was given Keith Lee, and all she needed was a review.

"I could marry you" he blurted. Emery eyes widen, and so did Silas's. He didn't even realize what he had said. The blush on Emery cheeks was red hot.

"I'm glad you like it sir"

He noticed yet again she didn't have a plate for herself. "Where's yours" he said wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I'll eat later" she told him. Silas didn't like that, at all. "Why? He questioned.

"I'm just not hungry" she said with a fake smile. "Don't lie to me" he said sternly.

Emery face dropped. "When I was a kid, I didn't have the luxury of having a full fridge of food. A lot of the time, my mother, if you could call her that would leave me the straps—"


"Yeah. She would leave me the leftovers. So I got use to eating last always." Silas listened as she continued.

"Even when friends cooked for me I would eat whatever was left over, even if it was barely crumbs" Emery wanted to cry. She hated talking about that time in her life.

Silas was pissed, he knew he had fucked up parents but to treat your child as if she was a rodent or a pet was disrespectful and disgusting. The woman didn't deserve a child.

"I would wait till she went to bed and sneak into the kitchen putting together all the leftovers to make a meal. Or whatever was left in the kitchen" she confessed, he shook his head.

Emery held back tears. "I got beat if I ate before my mother, or ate too much"

Silas heart broke. He had now understood why she always waited till he had left the kitchen to eat. She was traumatized.

"The fork!" Emery gasped, Silas was holding it so hard he had bent it backwards. "Shit. Sorry" he quickly said.

"No it's fine. I shouldn't be unloading my past onto you it's unprofessional" Emery quickly said, taking the fork.

Silas stood going behind her. His arms wrapping around his slim waist. "Sir—"

"I told you already, call me Silas. When it's just us I'm just Silas" he whispered in her ear. "Silas we can't, I can't afford to lose this job due to lust" she confessed.

Silas turned her to him. Not even giving her a response, instead he showed her. He kissed her, passionately. Holding her in place by her neck so she couldn't run.

When he pulled away to let her breathe, their breaths were labored. "I dont know what this is, but it ain't lust" he told her.


"I like you. A lot. And I'm willing to earn you if that means you'll take me serious." He confessed. Maybe at first it was lust but for the last month and a half he has came home to her. Watched her, laughed and enjoyed his time with her.

And yes, she was the help, and yes he haven't even been 90 days but he didn't care. Her job wasn't a title of who she was as a person. It was just her job, he knew this. She was humble, sweet and thoughtful. Emery was a breath of fresh air in his world, that was so polluted with bullshit.

And he wanted to show her that. Maybe he was silly, and even naive sounding at his ripe 31 years of age. But he would be a liar if he said he gave a fuck. "Silas" she spoke.

"Let me, please. We'll take things slow. Snail slow" Emery smiled, but then it faded. "What about my job. I don't have anywhere to go" she told him.

Silas was confused. "What do you mean?" Emery sighed, hoping she didn't have to reveal this.

"I was a week away from eviction, when I took this job. My creepy landlord was only willing to let me stay if I performed certain...things" she said hoping she didn't have to elaborate.

"This job is all I have. Literally all I have, and I can't afford to lose it if this doesn't work out" she said softly pushing away from him.

Silas grabbed her back, taking her wrist in his. "You won't. I swear." He would beg if it meant that he could spend time with her. Have her all to himself.

"Please Emery" before she could respond his phone rang. It was Francine, it was a little late for her to be calling. "One second please" he told her.

"Hello" he answered. "We have a problem" Francine said frantically.

"What's going on?"

"Check your phone" the message came through instantly. It was pictures of him and Emery from earlier. Going into the store and coming out, they even had one them when he was holding her in his arms.

"What the fuck is this Francine?" Silas said through gritted teeth.

"From what I'm being told it's gonna be the biggest fucking story of the year. And they'll be reading over fucking coffee. The most eligible, unavailable and damn near impossible to track bachelor is now cuddled up in public with his housekeeper!" Francine said just as pissed.

"They've already started to spin this narrative of poor Emery. Saying she's cleaning more than sheets" Francine confessed. Silas looked back at Emery who was now feeding Ace.

"What do you want me to do?" He quickly asked. "I'll see what my contact is saying, but until then we'll have to get in front of it. I have no idea when it'll be released. Until then keep her close, and I'll find a way to keep it out the press" Francine told him.

The phone hung up "Damn it all to hell" he rasped.

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