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"Samanun Anuntrakul..." she whispered while looking at the name attached to the wall.

"I want to curse you so bad right now." she huffed as she narrowed her eyes.

'Well, just because she has the upper hand here doesn't mean she can treat people as she wishes! She freaking late for an appointment, not just for a few minutes, but it's been an hour already!?! So unprofessional. What a really bad first impression..is she the CEO of the leading company in Thailand??'

Kornkarmon Patricia Armstrong is a 24-year-old fresh graduate from MIT with a first-class bachelor's degree in Fashion Business Management. Inheriting her mother's business in fashion and has been officially appointed as the new CEO of 'St Claire', the rising luxury clothing brand in Thailand.

Simply getting this position just because she is the 'daughter' is such a huge misunderstanding from the people. They don't even have a chance to take a glimpse at how St Claire was established. She's been working along with her mother, building this brand from afar since she started her first year in college.

So, St Claire is the brand that she managed to establish with her mother's guide as her mentor in the fashion business. But many don't know about this story and simply label her as a 'nepo baby', and she doesn't care about that, as for her, what she knows is enough.

It is the first day of her tenure as the new CEO of St. Claire, and she has a crucial task to accomplish for the expansion of her brand. She is so passionate about it that she has been waiting at the meeting place since 8:50 in the morning, 10 minutes before the scheduled time. She is beyond excited.

9:50 A.M.

Exactly one hour had passed.

There's not even the CEO's shadow visible. She even had the name of the board directors of the Royal Empire memorised, as the organisation tree display on the room's wall kept stealing her attention.

Mon takes a deep breath and tries to calm down.

10:10 A.M.

'It's been more than an hour. I've been waiting, reviewing my proposal, and roaming around this luxury waiting room on the Royal Empire's executives' floor. I've even finished practising my presentation for a few rounds already. Well..if I will be left to wait any longer, their staff can find me lying and rolling down on the floor of this spacious room. It's understandable, though. What's more, do they expect me to do it in this room?' She's fuming inside, but the supposed person to let this anger out is still nowhere to be found.

Luckily, the stunning view from the 30th floor of this building is keeping me sane. Well..at the moment. I can't be sure for myself to still be sane for another minute of being left waiting.

10:30 A.M.

"Okay, that's it!"

She reached her limit. She packed all her belongings and prepared to leave the room. She takes a deep breath before turning the doorknob as a safety measure to prevent herself from venting out her anger on anyone unlucky behind the door.

Being mad is not in Mon's nature as everyone around her sees her as a bubbly and happy-go-lucky person. But, when it involves some serious business, you mustn't underestimate her anger as even a den of lions can be tamed by her madness.

She makes her way to the receptionist who welcomed her earlier and gives her a faint smile. The receptionist replied with an apologetic smile.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience, Ms. Armstrong. We didn't expect Ms Anuntrakul to be this late, and it's a rare occasion for her to be late,"

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