Before he can scream, I bite into his neck. Ripping the muscle and tendons out.

Blood flies everywhere and his friends are screaming. He grabs the side of his neck as he begins to choke and sputter on his own blood.

I moan at the warm liquid making it's way down my throat.

It feels like heaven.

My whole body is tingling.

It's like I'm drunk off of the blood.

I feel Dylan go limp making me open my eyes.

His eyes are open and cloudy. I put my ear to his chest and huff out.

I turn to his friends who are in the corner, cowering under eachother. "His hearts not beating, he's dead."

I crawl over to them and smile, "but yours is still beating. Who wants to go next?" They don't say anything, they just stare at me.

I roll my eyes and snatch one by his shirt, "pl-please don't kill me! I'm in collage and my parents are sick! I take care of them."

I laugh in his face, "and I'm suppose to care?" Tears begin to flow down his face. I lick them and hum.

Suddenly a smell hits me making me look down.

"Aww you're so scared you pissed yourself!" I look back at his face, "don't worry, I'll make it quick." I snap his neck making him slump to the side.

I turn towards the last boy and see he's hard.

Of course, he's hard. It's evident that lust is in the air regardless of my actions.

I choose to use it to my benefit. "How about, we have a little fun and I let you live?" I ask. He gulps, unsure of what he wants to do.

"It's that or death, I'm being nice enough to give you an option."

"This is wrong! I should not be turned on right now!"

I roll my eyes once again and crawl on to his lap.

I begin to remove my dress, my breast on full display and sitting pretty.

I whisper in his ear, "you can touch me, I won't bite." I begin to palm him through his pants.

He slowly raises his hands and begins to fondle me. I let out a lewd moan, grinding down on him.

I won't lie, I'm turned on as well.

Killing people can do that to you.

"Come on, I want you in me, let me ride you." He eagerly nods and quickly undoes his belt. He shoves his pants down and I'm quickly to settle down on him.

We both moan out at the feeling. I begin raise my body, bouncing on him.

It quickly becomes to much.

The murders, the blood, the sex...all of it.

I harshly force him down. He winces and tries to ease my hands off of his shoulders.

I begin to grind on him, throwing my head back in pleasure.

I can tell I'm close, the pressure in my abdomen is getting stronger... and I know what's going to push me over the edge.

"I lied to you." I moan out, continuing to move my body. He's panting, out of breath from the best sex he's ever had, and the last.

"W-what? Fuck you feel good!" I giggle and wrap my hand around his neck.

"You're still going to die."

He has no time to register my words.

I tighten my grip around his neck and shove one of my hands into his chest. His jaw drops in shock and in pain.

My hand grabs the beating muscle and I smile in delight. I rip it out of its cavity and bring it to my mouth, taking a bite.

Just as I though, my orgasm hits me full throttle. I moan out, dropping the muscle to the ground, falling forward and shaking as I ride out my high.

After a few moments, I calm down.

I climb off of him, whimpering at the feeling of being empty. I kneel on the ground, looking at the mess I made.

I love it.

Silently, I stand up only to stumble.

The whole room is spinning and I have a hard time focusing.

It's as if I'm actually drunk.

I close my eyes and take few deep breathes, holding on to the wall for support. When I open my eyes I see myself in the mirror.

I'm covered in blood.

I need to clean up. I take off my dress and throw it in their washer. While my clothes are in the wash, I grab a few containers from the kitchen. I'm shocked their actually clean. I grab a knife as well and walk back into the room.

I stare at the dead bodies for a few seconds before moving quickly.

I cut them open and plop their intestines into the containers. Four containers later, I'm putting them in the fridge. I grab a water and chug it before I transfer my dress into the dryer and taking a shower.

As I'm standing in the shower, letting the water rain down on me, I watch as the blood swirls down the drain.

The red being a stark contrast against the white porcelain.

I'm soon out the shower, Im throwing my dress and jacket on. I put my containers in a bag and walk out the apartment, making sure to lock the door in the process.

I go down in the elevator and soon, I'm walking out the building.

Just in time, the Uber arrives.

I climb into the back, buckling myself in, "have a good night miss?"

"A wonderful night."

Save your tears • Jasper HaleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora