Chapter 17

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Hello, everyone!

Thank you for supporting this book by reading it. We just reached 5,000+ READS! That's an awesome milestone to me and will forever will be grateful to you who have read my works.

Please stay tuned for the upcoming chapters as I'll finally be revealing who your character really is.

Just a little more waiting.


Akali's POV

Something feels off about this situation.

I was suddenly getting my energy back like something is telling me to fight. The energy, all of this fighting is giving me-


A voice calls out to me.

"Akali awaken once more!"

This voice was familiar yet-

"Show them your TRUE power!"

I can feel my body burning as flames appear from my hand, my skin was shedding and becoming flames again...


I closed my eyes and then focused on what the voice was saying,

"Kill Y/N."

- Y/N's POV -

As I kept dodging everything Zamasu gives, I noticed something about the rift. It wasn't stable, not like the first one. Something about this doesn't feel right, does he have a-

"Got you." these clones are getting annoying. I must act quickly.

"You're losing focus, Y/N. I thought your master already taught you everything you should know about that form but I guess you can't really use the power of the Gods. Besides-" he flew towards me and tries to slice me in half but I moved out of the way by flying high up and kick him in the face.

"There's still some things you don't know, Zamasu. And I don't plan on telling you that." I continued my assault with a barrage of punches and kicks.

"If Trunks defeated you then, I can defeat you myself." I was about to deliver the finishing blow but then I felt something familiar.


I look behind me to see her in that same form.

The girls were astounded to see it in front of their own eyes.

"Akali?" Ahri asks her.

"Ahri, stay back! Something's wrong!" before they could back away, Akali rushes towards Evelynn.

Kai'Sa rushes to the rescue as she blocks Akali's chained rapier.

"All of you should show your realselves." Akali said before throwing shurikens into their direction only for Ahri to block with her tails.

Before they knew anything, Kayn was watching all of this happen.

"She's not in control. This form is something we were trying to avoid from happening again." they

"Y/N, you will pay for what you've done and what you have made me do in my past!" her punches were fast like inhumanly fast but my body can still dodge them without effort.

"Akali, why are you attacking me? We're friends!" I tried reasoning with her and then I saw the rest of the girls rushing towards us but then-

Instincts (K/DA x DBS Male Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt