Chapter 14

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The following chapter is R18, it contains violence, vulgar and sexualized words used only for fictional story purposes and should not be emulated in real life. It may trigger a lot of people who have either hate or have traumatic pasts so if you don't like this chapter please skip this chapter.



Evelynn's POV

The match was easy.

I defeated an Ionian named Irelia. She was a formidabble opponent but I have to admit, she wasn't really much of a challenge as I held back most of my strength, "Eve! Congrats!" Ahri runs up and hugs me with a smile.

"Why? Did you guys think I'll lose?" I smirked at them and Y/N just chuckles.

"Not really but we were worried. I mean what happened to Akali was something that I didn't know what happened-" before I let him finish I walk towards him, swaying my hips so I can show who's dominating who.

"Oh, so you would've loved to see my true form too, hmmm?" I asked Y/N and got near to his face, I almost wanted to kiss him in the lips...

His damn kissable li-

"Wait, what do you mean of true form?" he asks and I was shocked, when we were kids he knew about us not being normal humans, "What?" I replied with an angry tone.

"I mean, I knew you're not normal humans but I didn't really have any recollection of you guys having "true forms" either." Ahri and Kai Sa face palms while I just sighed in frustration.

"Y/N, please sit down. Let me tell you some things about us." I held his hand and he blushed as we sat down from a nearby bench.

"Hey! No fair!" Ahri got jealous because I held his hand while Kai Sa was holding his arm, "Sorry Ahri you're too late." she got mad again and kept on whining and nagging.

"Ahri, Akali, me and Kai Sa are not really from here..." I said to him and he got confused,

"Wait, are you telling me that you are aliens?" he nervously laughed trying to make a joke but I just glare at him.

"So, you're not from this world? But.. how? Why are you here and how did you get here?" he asked me so many questions and as I was hoping that he will understand but he might not understand at all.

"We're from a world called, 'Runeterra' a world vastly different from this one. This world has advanced while our world is still getting there and magic is still more superior." I told him and he just looks down on his hands.

"We're actually a thousand years old by then when we met." Ahri said with a cautious voice.

"But how are you guys children if you were from another world?" that was a good question, I mean it's an easy answer but he might get a little creeped out.

"We were forced to use magic on ourselves when we were discovered by..." I stopped myself as I remember the horrors of our past and what they did to us.

"We were forced to become children by our exes families because they wanted them to have been married by the time they hit the age of 18." he widened his eyes in anger, I can see him squinting but I caressed his hand and held his cheek gently making him look at me.

"I know you didn't want to hear that but I need you to know that even if that is to happen-" I stopped and whispered.

"I still like you." as I closed my distance and saw his handsome face.

"Y/N, all this time I was willing to love because you're the only human that I have ever liked and I have ever wanted to be with. When we were kids, you were the most bravest and annoying kid I have ever met but I just wanted you to know that I was willing to wait for you until you were 18." tears started to run down my cheek as I remember him leaving me, moving to another town.

"I'm sorry." I felt him hug me and whispers, "I won't leave you ever again. I promise" I hugged him back and there I felt them hug him as well.

This was the reunion that I have long since wanted and now we're finally complete again.

"Y/N.. it's my turn to fight now." Ahri was the next combatant and I hugged her while Y/N held her hand,

"You can do it, kitty." her smiling at him and running out of the room.

- 2 hours later -

"Ahri has won the match! Please give it up for K/DA's most charming idol!"

"I appreciate everyone's support!" Ahri gives a little dance and gives her signature flying kiss. Everyone went nuts and kept chanting her name.


Kai Sa was getting ready for her match.

But then we heard the door open and see a wounded Talon trying to say something, "Kai Sa, please you must run from here-" blood then drips out of his mouth.

"It's Kayn- Kayn is about to kill everyone. Please he's too powerf..." before he could finish he then looks at me with fear in his eyes,

"Y/N, he's coming after the girls.. please! You have to protect the-" before he could finish he groans in pain before-

"He's dead." I said to Kai Sa who was crying and hugs his now lifeless body.

This was not right.

Kayn grows stronger every minute and I'm here not doing anything.

Gohan was right. Something's coming and it's not good either.

"He will pay for this." Kai Sa whispers as she stood up and her aura bursts from the room,

"HE WAS MY FRIEND AND HE TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME!!!" she shouts in anger and I just hugged her as she cries out every pain she felt.

"He was my friend." she breaks down as she sat to the floor trying her best to hold back tears.

"He was my bestfriend too." I was shocked because I really though they were exes but in this moment I can't really do anything but hug her until she's okay.

Evelynn bends on her knees and stroke Kai Sa's hair.

All was left was silence.

He will pay.

Kayn will know who I truly am.

I. Will. Stop. Him.

- to be continued -

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