Business as usual.

Start from the beginning

Where it was quiet. I'd pushed her a little to hard because when she saw me she'd almost lost her breath.
"Now what the hell was that hmm?" I tilt my head as I speak, fear runs across her eyes. She knows I would never hurt her but that's not why she's scared.
She's scared I'll tell.
"It's- not-" she could barely speak, not knowing what to say. It was self-explanatory. She knew it was. She couldn't lie to me like she'd try too before.
I'd seen it myself.

"It's none of your damn business" she pushes me away with full force, making me stumble back. A small chuckle leaves my lips.
"It actually is" I rub my lip with my finger, finding blood. I'd obviously bitten into it as I stumbled back.
"Oh yeah? How? I'm not yours Rafe. I never was- this is none of your fucking business" she was still leant against the side of the restaurant. Not moving from her spot at all.
"I can't watch you prostitute yourself out to old men" I almost laughed at her for not seeing how this is obviously my business.

"I don't sleep with them- Jesus who do you think I am?" She scolds me, her face scrunched up like an angry bulldog.
"I dunno you tell me? Seems you've been hiding a lot more than you let on. I'm guessing this is where all the money comes from?" I point to her bag that was on the floor, she'd dropped it as I pinned her against the restaurant.
"That is none of your business or concern!" She tried to grab my arm as I quickly picked up her bag seeing the envelope full of money. A lot of money.

Why was she doing this? She had money, her family gives her money.
"It is my fucking concern! That man you just met- he sells weapons, drugs, women. Your to much of a fucking fool to see how this is obviously my fucking business!" I grab her arm gently, leading her to my car.
I have a car here and one in obx. That's what happens when you have money.
"Get in" I tell her as I open the door, she stands there defiantly .

"Don't make me ask you again" my eyes glared into her and she still didn't move.
"Want ya money? Get in the car" I held the bag up walking round as I got in with the bag.
She huffs but finally gets in, I lock the doors before driving to my place.
She hadn't been there before. But I didn't care at this point.
"Get out" I tell her, she follows me reluctantly as I type in a passcode into the pin pad, an elevator finally opening.

"Where are we? Just give me my money back" she tried to wrestle me in the fucking elevator. But I hold her against me, pinning her arms against her chest as I walk into my apartment.
Finally letting her go.
"Don't touch the dog. He doesn't really like anyone but me" I told her calmly as I walk into the kitchen getting out a small bottle of whiskey.
She eyes up Max before strutting past him, like she didn't care if the German shepherd attacked her right here and now.

"Why the hell have you brought me here?! Huh? I get it- I shouldn't of met the guy. Well done for the lecture. Now give me my money and let me out of here" I sip my whiskey out of the glass, looking through my brows at her as I chuckled.
"No" I simply wasn't interested in letting her go just yet. I wanted answers.
"No? This is kidnapping!" She slaps her palm down on the counter, i eye up her hand before raising my eyes again.

"He make you wear that too?" I notice a flashy but clearly fake ring on her wedding finger.
She scoffs taking it off and throwing it in the sink "happy? Now give me my money" she was persistent. That's for sure.
"Answer my questions and maybe just maybe I'll shut my mouth about this" I stalk closer to her but she didn't budge.
"Go to hell you privileged son of-" before she could finish her assault I walk past her out of the room.

Making her follow me as I sat down on the sofa casually.
Propping my feet up on the small table in front of the sofa.
"Really? Mature" she rolls her eyes, folding her arms over her chest. The dress she was wearing was lovely. Really nice. It fitted her well.
"Why? Why escort for these men you don't know?" I see her grow increasingly frustrated with me.

"Because why not. More money" she hold her hand out and I shake my head.
"No. Tell me the real reason" I look up at her and she doesn't say a word.
"What a shame. Max- destroy" I command the dog, he jumped up grabbing the bag.
"No! Stop!" She yells at me, max was about to throw the bag in the fire place.
It wasn't even lit yet.
"Answers now. You know some of my secrets. I told you why I killed that man. Yet you won't tell me why you escort men? Now that doesn't seem fair" I click my fingers, Max comes over dropping the bag at my feet.

"I do it for the money" she grits her teeth as she says it.
"And? Why would you need the money?" I wasn't trying to be a dick, I just wanted to know so I could solve it. So she didn't have to do this.
"Liv- what your doing is dangerous. Please tell me why your doing this? Why do you need the money?" I stood up this time, standing in front of her.
Liv's breathing increases as she lets out a small groan "I do it so Topper can experience everything I didn't" she looks up at me with a glare.
Her eyes full of anger.

"Do your parents not give you money?" I tilt my head in confusion.
"Only for bills and food. Everything else no. How do you think Topper goes out with you all the time huh? For drinks, food, concerts, golf and even just driving!" Her voice was loud but it soon weavers as she sees my face distort.
"I thought your parents were perfect-" before I could finish what i was going to say she interrupts me.

"Perfect? I've missed out on everything! Parties, friends, normality even education! To look after a child that isn't even mine! And when I finally found something I was good at and liked the people I was with I had to quit because my parents don't care! They don't give a fuck about me or what my dreams were ever! So don't for a second say that my parents are perfect or that I'm lucky" her jaw clenched, her voice shaking as she spoke.
She didn't realise but her hands had grabbed my shirt, clenching her fists so hard I could feel my shirt getting tight around my shoulders.

I was stunned. Upset even. I felt guilty for all the things I'd said to her. 'Miss perfect' comments.
How 'uptight' she is and even making fun of her for not being your average young adult. But now I realise she didn't get a chance. She never had one in the first place.
"Liv- I'll give you the money for Topper" she suddenly lets go of my shirt stepping back, her arms hugging round herself defensively.
"No- I don't want you to help me. You'll only want something in return and my family was never any of your business to begin with!" She runs her hands through her hair, eyes glassy as if she was trying hard to contain herself.

"It's my business because regardless of what you think I care about you and Topper. You know that. If you won't except my help I'll just give Topper the money anyway" I wasn't taking no for an answer, what she was doing was so fucking dangerous and I couldn't allow it any longer.
"No! Topper doesn't know about any of this- it would crush him." Her shoulders were rising so fast as she tried to control her breathing.
"Let me help you" I stepped towards her and she put her hands out backing away but I didn't stop until she was back up against the wall.

Her hands lay against my chest putting some sort of distance between us.
"Let me help you Liv" I whispered lowly and tears stream down her cheeks. I'd never seen Liv actually cry before.
Maybe when we were younger but truthfully we were never really that close. He practically bullied each other.
"promise me you'll stop doing this" my head dipped down to her ear as she tensed under my touch.

"Fine." She spoke coldly but that wasn't good enough for me.
"Promise me" I repeated myself and I see her false agreement falter.
"I-" she opened her mouth but stopped herself, so fucking independent and stubborn.
"I won't repeat myself again" my brows raise as I look down at her.
"I promise" she swallows nodding quickly and with that I step away from her.

"Atta girl" I pick up her bag, throwing it to her quickly as I sit back down.
"I'm leaving" she stared at me with such defiance, like I hadn't just given her the deal of a fucking life time.
Truth was I think she did dislike me. You don't have to like someone to let them touch you, I'd learnt that in more way then one.
"See you tomorrow princess" I scoff humorously, she looked like she didn't know what I was talking about.

"Mid-summer? Is tomorrow- don't tell me you forgot?" A small smirk pulled at my lips and I see her eyes widen as she rushed out the door.

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