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     It had been weeks since the battle in Shredder's lab. Both sides had gotten nowhere. Noah refused to continue his research and the blood Baxter successfully extracted from Carrie was offering him nothing. Carrie had still not woken up and there were no signs that she was going to anytime soon. Both the Foot and the turtles hit a dead end. The turtles, especially Donnie, had a better understanding of what the formula did and why it gave Carrie exceptional abilities but that wasn't enough to get them anywhere. Without all of Noah's research papers, Donatello couldn't figure out how it worked.

     Leo and Takao spent most of their days in the lab. They talked occasionally but most of their time in there was watching over Carrie. Leo felt a strong sense of guilt. He thought of all the events that led up to this very moment. If he had just been more strict and forbade them all from visiting the garden, none of this would have happened. Being strict and, in Mikey's words, an un-cool leader was far better than this. Leo could easily accept being the buzz-kill but he couldn't accept being the reason why this happened in the first place. The guilt ate away at him.

     The more Takao was around Carrie the more guilty he felt as well. The longer he was around her the more lost he felt. He realized that he had no idea who his daughter was. Instead of fleeing with Noah, he stayed in anger hoping to defeat Shredder and his clan. The more he looked at Carrie, the less he recognized her as his. Family doesn't mean blood. Noah had raised her, not him. That sort of guilt Takao knew could never be changed. He could not change his actions in the past. He felt as though he shouldn't even be around her. So, as the days went on, his time spent with Carrie quickly diminished.

     But time kept moving. The turtles and April continued their training, trying to block the recent events from their minds as much as they could. It didn't work very well.

     One day, while the turtles were training, Takao entered. He observed them and Yoshi's teaching. It reminded him very much of his time training under Master Splinter. When the training session concluded, Takao approached the brothers and their father.

     "I believe it is time for me to go."

     Even Master Splinter was confused by this sudden decision.

     "Don't you want to stay here with us?" Mikey questions.

     "You got your daughter back," Raph says. "You want to just leave again?"

     "This place is not for me."

     "You need Mikey to clean out his smelly room?" Raph clenches his fists. "Because I can certainly arrange that."

     Takao shakes his head. "Your home is lovely... for being in the sewers. I mean that I can't stay."

     "Why?" Donnie questions.

     "I just know that I cannot be here," Takao says. "I will remain in New York City and when you need me, I will be there. I just need time."

     "We understand, Takao." Master Splinter smiles. "You are always welcome back."

     Takao smiles in return. He bows and leaves the dojo. The turtles run after him but when they exit the dojo, Takao had already vanished. They couldn't believe he had left. He was skilled and they could certainly use him around the lair. Raph, Donnie, and Mikey couldn't quite understand why he'd want to leave. Leo understood to a certain extent. His duty was to his clan and to his oath to protect Carrie and defeat Shredder. No matter how much he loved his daughter and wanted to be a part of her life, he couldn't, and Leo knew it. It was too late.

     While the turtles and April were adjusting to all of this new information, Shredder didn't stop urging Noah to complete the formula. He would do anything to get that power.

     What Takao had told him about many of his soldiers in Japan truly being Adachi soldiers worried Shredder. Although he hid his worry and paranoia, he wanted to make sure all the traitors were sniffed out.

     "I need you to interrogate all my soldiers in Japan," Shredder orders. "Find the traitors and eliminate them."

     His highly favored soldier smiles at him through the projected screen. "Of course, Master Shredder."

     "Do not fail me, Sasha."

     "Have I ever failed you?"

     "Find every last one of them."

     "Oh, I will. And whoever allowed Noah to contact Takao will be severely punished."

     The screens clicked off, leaving both Shredder and Sasha satisfied. Although, Shredder's satisfaction was very much based on false trust. Regardless, his eyes turned to his mutants that kneeled before his throne.

     "The power Carrie possesses is much more powerful than I had ever imagined," Shredder remarks. "But she's weak. Merciful."

     "What do you suggest, Master?" Tiger Claw asks.

     "Karai. Are there students ready to join the ranks of my Foot Soldiers?"

     The girl nods. "There's a handful of students in Bradford's old dojo that are ready for initiation, but they'd never do so willingly."

     "I do not need them to be willing."

     "But, Master. Your Foot Bots are expendable. Why waste time on taking in human soldiers?" Rahzar, the former Chris Bradford, questions.

     "These students are expendable. Stockman requires subjects for experimentation. Her power will be mine." 

     Karai lowers her head. She was unsure about her master's intent but she did not question it. "I will begin the initiations."

     "Good." The Shredder grins sinisterly beneath his helmet. "It is time I take matters into my own hands."

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