Chapter 2. Through the Sewers

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     "It smells horrible," Carrie complains.

     "Well we are walking through the sewers," April says.

     Carrie frowns. "What are we doing down here?"


     "We could just go back and barricade my apartment."

     "Maybe we could have done that if you hadn't followed me."

     Carrie stops. "Oh, this is my fault? You shouldn't have sneaked out-"


     "I'm tired. The point is: you were gone. I'm liable for you."

     April squints her eyes and shakes her head. "I don't think that's how that works. I'm liable for myself."

     "Sure it is." Carrie shrugs. "So, why'd you leave?"

     "I can't tell you that."

     "You have to. We were literally chased by robots. You got me into this mess, you have to get me out."

     "I'm not blaming you... but you were the one who followed me."

     "You were the one who left."

     "And that wasn't my fault either."

     Carrie narrows her eyes. "You are impossibly stubborn. Nothing is ever your fault is it?"

     "Woah. No need to be passive-aggressive. Trust me."

     "Oh forgive me. I don't think you understand the kind of situation we are in. We are hiding from robot aliens and are currently walking through dirty sewer water," Carrie complains.

     April decides to give her friend the benefit of the doubt. While this scenario was nothing new to her, Carrie had been thrown into the violence so quickly.  "Trust me."

     Carrie groans, rolling her head back and continues to follow April down the dark tunnels of the sewers. It was much too late for this. The more Carrie thought about it, the more she realized it didn't matter how late or early, there's never a time to deal with this. Carrie just couldn't wait to go back home. Maybe she was dreaming and that she'd wake up in the morning, having been kicked off the couch by April.

     The two girls came to an opening at the end of one of the tunnels. April hopped down a small ledge and Carrie promptly followed. Carrie noticed the train tracks that ran along the ground. The area was open, which Carrie preferred, but she worried they were going to get run over.

     "You're trying to kill me, aren't you?"

     April laughs and shakes her head. "No one has used these tracks in years. We'll be fine."

     "Knowing my luck, tonight will be the night they start using this route again."

     April continued to lead the way, walking freely across the train tracks. Carrie trudges along the side of the tracks, as much as space would permit her. 

     They come across an intersection. The tracks continue onward, but another opening into another larger room appears. April runs to the opening of the room. Carrie tries to follow close behind, but her paranoia of a train coming keeps her looking forward and behind for any sign of a train's headlights.

     "You guys are still awake?!" April yells, jumping over the turnstiles.

     Carrie, confused and annoyed, steps up onto the platform. She pushes through the turnstiles instead of jumping over them.

From The Shadows || TMNT 2012 FanFiction (BOOK 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz