Chapter 1. The Sleepover

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     Present Day...

     "Give me your best shot!" A young Japanese-American girl shouts.

     April shrugs and grins. "Whatever you say, Carrie."

     April breathes slowly, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths.

     "Any day now," Carrie says, frowning.

     The redhead serves the ping-pong ball, faster than Carrie had ever seen April successfully do. Screaming, Carrie closes her eyes and holds the paddle out, hoping to guard herself against the attack. Unsuccessful, she feels the sting of the ball hit her arm. Looking down and seeing the fading red mark, Carrie falls to her knees and lays down, rather dramatically. 

     "Yes, I win!" April yells as she dances around the room, mocking me.

     "I wasn't ready!" Carrie shouts in desperation. "You took too long."

     "Still counts." April smiles. "I guess I'm better at ping-pong than I thought."

     Carrie bounces up from the floor, leaving the paddle on the table. She pats April's shoulder and nods, acknowledging her friend's superior skill in table tennis.

     "Fine. But that doesn't mean anything," Carrie says.

     "Sure it does."

     Carrie shakes her head in disappointment. "Good luck."

     "Good luck for what?"

     "Getting to the Kit Kats first."

     Carrie takes off running towards the kitchen. The journey wasn't far but she still took pride in reaching the kitchen first.

     She grabs the bag of Kit Kats from the counter and takes as many of the wrapped wafer candies as her hands would allow her. April snatches the bag away, angrily yet victoriously, but when she looks inside, she is utterly disappointed in not seeing a single Kit Kat left.

     "Dude!" April yells. "You didn't bring a full bag?!"

     "Chill out. I'm not a monster." Carrie outstretches her hand, dropping a handful of the chocolate candy into her friend's palm.

     April sighs. "Thank you."

     Carrie slides onto the couch, stuffing her face with chocolate. She clicks on the TV, trying to find a good show or movie to watch while they wait for the pizza they had ordered nearly twenty minutes earlier.

     The two friends, currently the embodiment of laziness, shoot up from the couch as soon as the doorbell rings. April runs to the door while Carrie runs and grabs money off the kitchen counter.

     April opens the door, greeting a young curly-haired boy. Carrie pays while April takes the pizza. Carrie graciously tips the pizza boy twenty-three percent instead of the standard twenty and thanks him. She returns to April, grabbing plates and ranch from the fridge. April grabs two slices, to begin with, while Carrie one-ups her and grabs three.

     "Just because you can eat three doesn't make you cooler."

     "It most certainly does."

     April rolls her eyes and sits back down on the couch. Carrie follows, grabbing one more slice on the way just for the fun of it. She doubts she'll be able to eat it but who knows? 

     The two girls watched several episodes from a variety of different genres. They watched crime and horror. When it got too scary, they switched to game shows and sitcoms. Carrie's father was out on business. The atmosphere accompanied by their choice in shows certainly aroused fear, much more than usual. They had no choice but to break away into the wonderful world of cheezy entertainment. However, that didn't stop them from returning to their true loves: murder mysteries and haunted houses. 

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