She continued, "Or maybe just to talk to the principal because your girl got in trouble for accidentally punching a teacher in the face when she tripped and fell that one time." She points at Hyunjin.

"I saw how quick you reacted and tried your best to not run over to help her up." Yerim smirks and raises her brows teasingly at Hyunjin.

The girl blushes and denies her action.

Yerim rolls her eyes, "Anyway, enough about you, I heard that the hag girl said her name is Youngsoo and she's Japanese, but her name is actually Sooyoung and she's Korean! Shocked right! Yeojin actually told me."

Hyeju looks at her with confusion, "Yeojin? You mean Im Yeojin? The small 5th grade dwarf?"

Yerim covers her mouth with a gasp, "Oops." She says. "I may or may not be friends with her... and also she's not a dwarf, idiot!" She points at Hyeju angrily with a pout.

Hyunjin watches on the side and eats bread she suddenly pulled out of her pocket.

"Whatever- she is a dwarf and you can't do anything about it." The youngest pouts and crosses her arms with a scoff.

Yerim was about to complain when someone's stomach grumbled.

"Ok- whose stomach was that?" She asked the two on the couch.

Hyeju points at Hyunjin, who is eating bread and is almost halfway done.

The older shakes her head with a slight blush, "It wasn't me." She says with bread in her mouth.

A growl from her stomach is heard.

Hyunjin nervously laughs it off, "Be quiet stomach." She pats her tummy.

Hyeju cocks out a laugh and tries to retain herself, while Yerim sighs and shakes her head.

"Let's order some food or whatever, or maybe we have some ramyeon. I'll go see if there's any ramyeon in the kitchen." Yerim jolts up from her spot and walks towards the kitchen while humming.

Hyunjin's stomach growls again as she finishes her bread in one bite.

"Wow- you finished that bread in a jiffy, but what do I expect- you're a bread lover." Hyeju shrugs and gets relaxed on the sofa for a nap.

Hyunjin's stomach growls as a response.

Hyeju sits up annoyed, "Go to the kitchen and stuff yourself with bread! That stomach of yours keeps growling like crazy!" She pokes her stomach, only to feel muscle through the shirt.

"What the Aeong! How do you have more muscle than me?! Have you been working out on secret?!" Hyeju pokes her by the arm a couples times.

Hyunjin tries her best to avoid Hyeju poking at her but fails completely when she breaks out into laughter from the younger tickling her on her sides.

"Stop! Stop! Please!" Hyunjin chuckles. "O- ok! I did! I did work out in secret!" She lets out another laugh.

The younger stops and grabs the older by the arm.

"Wow- so hard unnie." Hyeju gripped on Hyunjin's arm, feeling nothing but hard biceps.

Hyunjin grinned, "Of course, how else will I beat those monsters up."

"Guys guys! I found cookies!" Yerim, who just came out of the kitchen in search of ramyeon but instead got distracted with a jar of cookies, interrupted the two.

She had a bunch of cookie crumbs coming out of her mouth from stuffing her mouth with cookies.

"Gimmie some of that delicious shit!" Hyeju ran over to the girl and shoved her hand in the jar Yerim held.

A Dangerous or a Lovely Situation (Loona au)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang