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Kahei's POV:

I'm waiting patiently on the hill that the- girl? Monster? Vampire? Werewolf? I don't know, vampwolf? She was a mix of a vampire and a werewolf so it's hard to call her either one. I could easily call her a monster but....

I don't know, she didn't feel like a monster. She has this different nature and sense that I should trust her.

Of course I know she is dangerous and I shouldn't even be near her, in fact she should've been dead right when I had the gun at her chest. That was the first time I have ever hesitated to kill a monster.

Plus that kiss...

I have never felt so alive before. It was not only heated but a feeling that I have been longing for my whole life. It could've just been her vampire or werewolf powers, pulling me more into the feeling, but whatever.

I'm not sure if it was a mistake to not kill her or an opportunity to get to know the monsters better, making it easier to kill them with the new info.

I mean- it's a win, win. I get to see her again, liked I wish, and get in on the new info about monsters. Also, Jungeun will feel a bit of happiness from the new info, she's been through a lot and is trying her best to build this gang to the next level.

Well- every one of us in the gang have gone through a lot. We all have painful pasts. I try not to think about mine. It's really hard for me to talk about it, I can't even think about it too.

Was it just unfortunate that each one of us in the gang had to suffer? All because we are well- human? Out of everyone in the world the monsters chose the weakest and innocent humans to bring down to hell.

I don't wanna get into the story of the war between monsters and humans back then, but... that is what led to this mess.

How long will she take? I don't want to wait here any longer. Jungeun will get suspicious of me for being out for a long time. She knows I'm fast on my feet so patrolling will not take me long.

Except that I'm not patrolling and sitting on the grass, looking out at the view of the city, waiting for a monster, that I am supposed to kill, not talk to.

"Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting." A voice behind me panted, I heard footsteps get closer.

I turned my head to see.... Her.

"I didn't think that you would actually come." She smiled at me.

I kept a straight face.

"Yea, I didn't want you to come track me down and kill me. Plus I said, I trusted you." I looked away to stare back at the city.

I heard a sigh next to me, as I side eyed to see her sitting next to me with a smile.

I got curious, "What are you smiling about?" I asked her.

She smiled even bigger, "I didn't think the view from here would be this pretty." She said not even looking at me.

I was confused for a second then realized she was talking about the view of the city. I mean- yea it was nice but I've seen better things than this.

"Yea, I guess it is." I looked back down at the city.

"Now please ask what it is you wanted." I changed the subject to get right to the topic on why we were sitting here in the first place.

"How's your leg?" She asked, like she didn't hear what I just said.

"It's better."'I sighed, as she didn't get right to the topic.

"Want me to heal it some more?" She was now looking at me with a bigger smile than before. It was so big I can almost see her fangs sticking out.

I shook my head, "It's ok. I can handle it."

A Dangerous or a Lovely Situation (Loona au)Where stories live. Discover now