And I'm Asking You To Hold Me

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Chapter Song:

September 8, 12pm


I love weekends. I mean, who doesn't. I love sleeping in, I love having nothing to do, and I love being able to work on my passion project. I started a webcomic when I was around fifteen. It started out as venting my frustrations with our family situation, but it has turned into so much more than that. Yes, the characters may be loosely (heavily) based off of the people in my life, but the plot is much more exciting. It is a mafia, found-family story called "Get-Away" and it has garnered a bit of a fanbase online. I post updates every weekend which means Saturday is usually my day to make sure everything is drawn and in order. One day I hope that this web-comic...or being an artist of any kind becomes a full-time job.

I do most of my drawing on a tablet so that I can take it pretty much anywhere. I am sitting on our back deck watching the clouds in the overcast sky begin to dissipate. The wind feels like autumn. I can smell the sea and pine trees, blending into a smell that feels like home. As I look up, my attention is grabbed by the stump where Harley's "Grampa Tree" used to stand. I remember how devastated she was when it had to come down. She tried to tie herself to it with a jump rope in protest. I ended up having to take her to the beach to distract her while Levi, Uncle Rocco, and Alejandro took care of it. I know she still misses it. Sometimes I catch her looking at the stump with a pained expression.

Looking down at my half finished panel, I sigh. My mind is sort of blanking and I need a change of scenery if I want to get anything done. I'm the only one whose home. It doesn't happen often and I don't like it. It's quiet. Too quiet. Levi is at work and Harley and Eric are working on new desserts down at Salty's. We don't have to work there most weekends because the highschoolers are able to take over, but there's something about that place that keeps bringing me back even when I don't need to be there. I head inside and put my tablet in a bag, then, stepping out the door I nearly collide with Ruby.

"Oh hey," I greet her.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Down to Salty's to work on my comic," I explain. "Harley is already down there if you're looking for her."

"Alright, I'll come with you then." She shoves her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket. I nod and begin heading down our long, shaded driveway

"You're walking?" She looks at me with a disgusted expression.

"You see a car we can take?" I gesture to our empty driveway.

She rolls her eyes and turns, following me on the journey down the hill. "For people who own a car place you don't have a lot of cars."

"It's better for the environment that way," I point out.

"I guess...But what if you have to drive somewhere far away? Like Idaho or something?"

"Idaho?" I glance at her and she just shrugs in reply. "Anyway, we have the catering van and Levi has a motorcycle."

"I dunno, Dan. Seems risky. You guys should buy a pick-up or something," Ruby turns to me, walking backwards.

"A pick-up?" I raise an eyebrow

"Why not?"

"We don't seem like pick-up people in my opinion."

"You never know," Ruby turns back around, walking slightly ahead of me with her head down. She's quiet, which is very unlike her. Ruby is the kind of person who never stops talking so when she actually does stop, it's a little concerning. "Hey Danny," She stops abruptly, still looking down.

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