And We Will Manage Somehow

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September 3, 12:52 am


"Hey, you alright?" I crack open the door of my sister's room. There's a pretty bad storm raging outside. The power just went out and Harley does not like storms or the dark, so I wouldn't be able to sleep without making sure she's okay.

She doesn't reply which is a little weird.

"Harley?" I use the flashlight on my phone to make sure she isn't having a silent panic attack or something. But now I'm the one having a panic attack. She's not in her room. Why wouldn't she be in her room? It's nearly one in the morning! She has to be somewhere in the house, right?! I reason with myself taking a few deep breaths. Sure, she's fifteen and can look after herself but I have always felt the need to protect her. Our childhood was tumultuous. Especially after the accident. Levi and I kind of made it our mission to make sure she never gets hurt again.

"Harley?" I wander farther into her room. It's a little messy as usual. Some clothes on the floor, makeup spread out on the vanity, nothing seems off. The only thing that's wrong with this room is that my little sister isn't in it. She's a good kid. She's never done anything like this...

"Harley! Where are you?" I shout as I walk down the hall towards the staircase. "Harley!"

I hear the quick swing of a door flying open. "What the fuck are you yelling about?" Levi questions, sounding sleepy and agitated.

"I can't find Harley," I reply.

"What do you mean?" He immediately wakes up. The lights flicker a bit and finally turn on again. Perfect timing! Now we can actually see if she's here or not.

"I mean she's not answering me at all," I explain. "I haven't checked downstairs yet."

Levi nods and heads downstairs. I'm close behind him.

"You take that side, I'll take this side." Levi orders gesturing to different ends of the house. I do as he says and we both start calling for our little sister.

"Danny? What's going on?" Eric appears, standing on the stairs, squinting in the light.

"We can't find Harley!" I'm beginning to panic a little. This is very unlike her! Eric wakes up more upon hearing this.

"When did you last see her?" He asks, jumping down the rest of the steps.

"Like 8? Last I saw she was heading to her room and now she's not there."

"She's not answering her phone," Levi joins us running a hand through his hair. He's usually pretty calm, but when it comes to Harley he always worries. "Where does she go? Could she be outside?"

"Maybe? Or maybe at a friend's house?" I suggest. "She doesn't do things like this."

"I know, she always tells us if she's going out. She wouldn't just leave without warning would she?" Levi questions. "Whatever. I'm going to go look for her."

"I'll come!" I offer.

"No, stay here in case she comes back." Levi orders, going to the closet to get a jacket. He grabs Harley's too in case he finds her.

I turn on the switch for the front porch lights. Out the window I see a figure walking up the stairs. It's Harley! I throw the door open and scoop her into my arms. She's soaking wet and freezing. I feel her hug me back as she shivers. I can hear her teeth chattering. I feel a wave of relief relax my muscles. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to her....

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