Hydro dragon, Hydro dragon (TW: INVOLVES ANGST)

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Lyney carefully walked up the mountain, holding his sister's hand. The wind was cold and the occasional sound of thunder blasting the ground made the two of them feel even more miserable. The two shared a comfortable silence as they continued, they were both shivering and Lynette's ears were slightly downturned.

They both turned a corner and continued following the small path until they reached a quiet gravesite. The two stopped to look at eachother before nodding and stepping inside, they swerved passed the different gravestones. They all varied in height, shape, even colour as some of them had grown a blanket of thick, green moss. The sky was dark and there was no sound, not even the sound of crickets, it was just...silent.

Finally, the two stopped symotaniously in front of a single gravestone. Lyney took a tissue from his pocket and wiped the dirt and the moss trying to take over the small grave, Lynette knelt down to the floor behind him and handed her twin a small bouquet of bright blue flowers. Tied together with a little golden ribbon. Lyney stared at the flowers in his hand for a few seconds before wiping some tears that have fallen from his eyes.

He turned to face the gravestone once again. It was a soft grey colour with a little blue and white vase in front of it, overflowing with water and had dead flowers inside it. Lynette reached over and removed the dead flowers, allowing her twin to place the newest flowers inside. Lyney's hands were shaking as he placed the flowers inside the vase, he was tearing up again as his chin slightly wobbled and he was biting his lip. Lynette watched all of this with a sad expression, her brother's tear mark was washed away long ago by the rain and there was just a smudge of colour left.

Lynette leaned over to wrap her arms around her brother as she stared off into the distance. Father always comes here, even if he doesn't tell anyone, Lyney and Lynette always notice, she'd always return with eyes slightly tear-stricken and her makeup redone. Lyney was shaking in Lynette's arms, his hand never left the flowers, but instead traced them. Touching each individual petal, getting a feel of the flowers his dear brother used to absolutely adore.

They grow underwater in such wonderful places. Lyney looked up to the sky, reminiscing the short memories that the two shared with eachother. All the fairytales, all the times he babysat him, all the times he'd come running to him after a day out. Finally, Lyney couldn't take it anymore. He stared up into the sky as he let his tears fall. He couldn't hold them in no more. Lynette pat his back slowly as she was silently sniffling as well,she stroked her brother's hair gently. Making her presence known to him.

He screamed. He's never screamed so loud in all his life. He screamed out to the hydro dragon, screamed to give him a sign that Freminet was going to be alright. That they'd all be alright. That Freminet was in good hands. That he was happy. That's all he wants, the knowledge that his brother is happy and far away from this treacherous world they've all been dragged into. Lynette tensed up a little before following her brother, letting herself cry into his back. Squeezing her brother's sleeves, she buried her face in the back of his shirt and screamed and cried her heart out.

Slowly, both twins' meltdowns finally surpassed. But not without traces being left behind: Lyney's bright red eyes and uncontrollable shaking, Lynette's tear-stricken face and wobbling chin. They were in a state which they'd never let anyone witness, not even eachother. Lyney lowered his head back to the grave and brushed his fingers over the ingrained writing, "hey Lynette?", he mumbled, still tracing the ingrained writing on the grave. Lynette raised her head from her brother's back, "m-mhm?", she hummed sadly as she softened her grip on her brother's clothes. Lyney let out a forced chuckle, "Fremi would've been 23 today... aren't you going to wish him a happy birthday?", Lynette sighed before shuffling closer, not bothering to complain about the mud below her knees, staining her shorts.

She wrapped both arms around her brother's grave tightly. Lyney followed soon after, not ever wanting to let go. Wanting to stay by their brother's side for as long as possible. The rain poured heavier and more quickly as time passed, soaking the twins from head-to-toe, but none of them moved from their positions. Lyney rested his head on top of the grave with a sad smile plastered on his face as he looked up into the sky, mumbling one thing over and over again...

"Hydro dragon, Hydro dragon...
Please don't let my baby brother cry"

Baby Freminet One-Shots: Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora