Cuddles With Big Brother

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Come on Lynette, hurry up!" yelled Lyney. He was laying down on a small, averaged sized bed in a plain, dark room. Only lit up by the small lamp in the corner. The room was comfortable enough, not luxury, but what do you expect from an orphanage? Not much

The bed had plain white bedsheets, slightly stained from the years of useage from different children. In Lyney's hand, there was a small children's storybook. Cuddled against his other hand, was the small body of Freminet, holding his plush penguin and becoming extremely inpatient as time went on. Wanting his sister to finish whatever she was doing so she can come and read with Lyney.

It was Freminet's favourite time of the day, because of the age difference between him and his siblings, they rarely get to see eachother during the day. This was the only time where they all got to spend quality time together, and Freminet cherished every living moment of it. Which is why he's beginning to get so impatient so quickly.

"Freminet?". The young boy looked up at his concerned older brother, his purple eyes shining in the limited light. You could easily get lost in them for ages, but, that's what the big ladies say about them anyways.Lyney pulled Freminet closer to him, "why don't we start the story?" he asked, wearing his signature smile on his face. Freminet nodded rapidly, excited to finally be starting the story.

Squeezing his small penguin, he shuffled into a position where he can see the various pictures in the book, but also not obstruct Lyney's view of the story.When Freminet finally settled down, Lyney used his remaining hand to stroke his hair, it was like petting a small kitten. He was adorable and his hair was soft like a brand new plushie. He was lost in thought until a little demanding voice said "Lyney, start the story already!".

Looking down, Lyney sees a little pout on Freminet's baby-looking face. Even though he is meant to look threatening, his pout arguably makes him look even more adorable than he already was. Lyney chuckles at the thought before he turns his attention back to the story and finally starting to read.

Lynette quickly runs into the room, gosh, that thing took wayy too long. Opening the door and stepping inside of Freminet's room, she sees something that will forever be burned into her mind...

Lyney and Freminet are completely fast asleep. Both snuggling into eachother like children snuggling into a massive toy. They both look so peaceful under the soft glow of the lamp.

Lynette carefully travels towards them both, careful to not make any noise to wake them up. She slowly removes the book from Lyney's hand and tucks them both in with a gentle smile. As a sister, moments like these between her siblings are the moments that she lives for. Seeing the two at peace and getting along is suck a blessing considering their differences.

Authors Note: I also own the AO3 account where this originally came from, I always update the AO3 collection earlier than the Wattpad collection!

Baby Freminet One-Shots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now