His 6th Birthday

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Freminet laid down on his bed. He clutched a small card and was silently crying. Tears fell and landed on the mattress and the pillow that was placed on his small, rusty bed.

'What was I thinking?' he thought over and over again, 'Why would anyone remember my birthday?'. These thoughts only made him more upset. He pushed his head deeper into the pillow as his tears quickened, hoping that he wouldn't disturb anyone around him.

A few minutes later, a sudden knock on his bedroom door pulled Freminet from his endless circle of torturous thoughts. He lifted his head from the pillow and quickly wiped his tears before whispering "c-come in". Each word was filled with dread, who was behind the door? Was it father? Or someone even worse...

Slowly, the wooden door creaked open and two figures quietly stepped inside. One shut the door behind themselves whilst the other walked over to Freminet's bed and sat themselves down. The young boy was afraid, he couldn't see who these people were in the darkness of his room, he squeezed his eyes shut in fear before the light was finally switched on.

His eyes were still tightly shut, even when the light switched on. Tears were slowly starting to appear because of how scared he was. The room was silent, until the second person walked over and also sat down on his bed and took his hands in theirs whilst the other person wiped his tears from his cheeks.

"Fremi, please open your eyes", a male and female voice asked at the same time. He could recognize those voices from anywhere, he slowly opened his eyes to meet the face of his older brother and sister, who released gentle smiles. Freminet returned the smiles that his brother and sister gave him, not knowing what else to do.

Slowly, Lyney stood up and bent down to meet his baby brother's eyes. Visibly holding something in his hand, "can I have a hand Fremi?" he asked, still with that kind smile on his face. Freminet did as he was told and reached out his hand, only for his big brother to give him a small envelope.

"Come on, open it!", he said excitedly. Freminet nodded and carefully opened the letter, with Lynette looking over his shoulder. He carefully pulled out a folded piece of paper, it had a little penguin design on the front standing on some ice.

He slowly opened the paper, and there was some writing inside:

'Dear Fremi,
Happy 6th birthday! Sorry if this was delivered late, we both love you a lot (probably more than you'll ever know). We are both are so happy that you've come into our lives, without you, we don't know what we'll do.
Love from your older siblings,
Lyney and Lynette'

Freminet looked up from the card with a huge smile on his face. He suddenly jumped up to hug both Lyney and Lynette, who had just moved from sitting on the bed to standing behind her twin. Tearfully, he whisper-shouted "thank you! Thank you!", his hug was returned by his older siblings, both with giant smiles on their faces as well.

When Freminet finally decided to let go of the twins, Lyney gave a look to Lynette, who just nodded and walked over to her bed and pulled a small chest from underneath it. It was slightly dusty and dirty, like it hadn't been touched in a while.

Lynette slowly opened it and took its contents out and carefully pushed it back into its original place. She slowly walked back to Freminet and Lyney and placed the box on Freminet's lap. It was slightly heavy, but Freminet looked over that and just stared at the twins.

Lyney let out a chuckle before Lynette spoke "open it, it's from both me and Lyney". Freminet nodded and slowly opened the box, he was met with a small robot penguin and another little box. He took out the penguin, the detail was intricate and he was around the same size as his favourite penguin plush. He held the penguin close to his chest, he loved it.

He looked up at the twins, who both stared at him with the same excited expression on their faces. Lyney was the first to speak, "so...what do you think of our handiwork?", his voice was full of confidence, Freminet giggled and held the penguin even closer to himself. Lynette smiled, "I guess you like it, don't you?", he nodded with a giant smile.

"So, have you got a name for him?", asked Lyney as he lifted himself from the floor and plopped himself down, next to Freminet. Freminet looked up at him, still smiling "yep! His name is Pers!" he said, excitement showing more and more with every word he spoke. "That name suits him well", said Lynette, who also moved from where she stood to sitting next to Freminet.

Lynette slowly took out the second box, which contained a small cake, around the size of a gift cake that you'd find in a bakery. It was also designed with Pers on the front of it, he was holding a birthday cake in the middle of Snezhnaya. She placed the birthday cake on Freminet's lap as well, Lyney using his hands to support the balance of the cake on his baby brother's lap. Just in case.

Freminet's face lit up even more at the sight of the cake. Long forgotten about his original thoughts that tainted his mind, there are people that didn't forget...people that loved him. "Happy birthday Fremi/Freminet!", the twins whispered to him before each stroking his blonde hair.

'This is the best birthday ever', thought Freminet as he cut his cake (obviously with Lynette's help).

Baby Freminet One-Shots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now