13. Sports Festival Part 1

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sorry for the long wait for an upload but a couple of months back I got a second job so I was working during the day and evening with very little time to write and I only got one day off a week so I didn't have the passion to write during that time writing the first two rounds was just boring for me and made it hard to write but it went away as I went on. when the restaurant I was working at closed down I found myself with a lot more time and more passion to write now that my evenings were free so I'm hoping I can update my stories more frequently now. Anyway, enjoy the story.

all the teachers of UA had gathered together in a meeting room within UA to discuss the recent events alongside Detective Tsukauchi giving the preliminary report "The police have investigated the group calling themselves the League of Villains and there does not appear to bear anyone registered with the name Shigiraki in his 20s or 30s with a quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches it's the same with the villain called Kurogiri with the warp gate, there is also no new information on the vigilante yoriichi. they are probably not citizens and are using false names. in other words, they're people with unregistered quirks who are a part of society's underbelly. we looked even deeper into the villain slayers and their leader yoriichi but even with the investigation into the abundance of fire quirk users, no one matches his description.

this disgruntled the teachers spoke amongst themselves "You mean, we don't know anything" "We must hurry once their ringleader Shigaraki's gun wounds heal, they'll definitely try again. It'll be a pain" "Their ringleader huh?" nezu then spoke up "What is it all might?" "it was a bold attack that normal people wouldn't even carry out even if they thought about it to suddenly attack and go on and on with statements about killing me and from what we learned from Aizawa he kept bagging about the nomu's quirk and when things didn't go his way he became visibly upset" nezu then cut in "it was very foolish to throw away the advantage of having unknown quirks when fighting against heroes although it seemed not to matter when against someone like yoriichi." allmight continued from there "the statements gained from the students and Aizawa he made immature wild statements with a straight face he bragged about his possessions, he thought everything would simply go his way. the picture I get of Shigiraki is someone who hasn't gotten rid of his childish sense of omnipotence, a man-child" This caused a discussion to break out among the teachers "A child with power?" "Could it be that he never received the quirk counselling every child gets in elementary school" "Well what does that have to do with anything" The detective gave his ideas on the matter "There were 72 villains arrested the other day at the USJ, they were all small-timers that lurked in back alleys. but the problem is how they all agreed with that man-child and followed him. In the current environment with heroes' villainous people who have been oppressed may be drawn to that kind of simple-minded evil." "That's true" "There are plenty of people who don't know what to do with their quirks" "This is alarming though" "Well it's thanks to you heroes that we were able to devote ourselves to our investigation, we'll expand our search network and continue to assist in arresting the perpetrators." nezu then spoke his opinion on the matter "a man child. in some ways, he's like our students. he still has room to grow, and if there was someone capable of backing him, trying to cultivate his malice..." All the heroes shivered at the thought of the power Tomura Shigiraki would hold once he matured "not to mention the creature he had with him since yoriichi turned it to dust we were unable to study and learn more about it. the meeting continued similarly until it came to a close with no one noticing the crowd outside the window. After Izuku received the report from the crow he smiled, they hadn't figured out his identity just yet, and he was glad that he was registered quirkless, he had been declared missing when he ran away but it was only for a few years as he had to pick up a job to support himself and Daki, however, they couldn't figure out that the number 1 vigilante was just a vice principal at a school, it was like that old pre quirk movie superman no matter how similar the two looked no one would think that superman was just clumsy Clark Kent despite Clark only wearing glasses, and he wore a mask so it's unlikely they'll find his identity

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