8. The five senses

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Normally when reporting on a mission they would report it at the nearest outpost if they had another mission in a nearby area and a report would be sent but if they did come to report to the main base they would report to the reports office where the necessary paperwork would be filled out for izuku too look at later. The organization grew izuku has less time to go out in the field as he refuses to substitute time with Eri for anything and he needs to help run the organization alongside Kagaya but he still does go out enough to maintain his reputation as the strongest vigilante.
This time was different however as the three boys were told to go to the head office as Izuku had got a summarized report from Tanjirou's crow Matsuemon Tennoji and wanted to speak to them directly.

As they walked in, they saw Izuku sitting in a chair with Eri sitting next to him. Inosuke froze and then straightened up at the sight of Eri, it just had to be a weekend, so Eri was in the office with izuku doodling on some paper.

When Eri saw Inosuke she tried to put on a serious face but to everyone, but Inosuke she just looked cute, he however was now shaking. They all bowed and greeted the head of the villain slayers, izuku offered a greeting in mind and then spoke "Report".

Inosuke started off as he was there for three days before the others, turns out it was mainly just him running around for those three days as the rooms kept switching around with him killing a few minor hanyo that weren't as strong as the others three major ones in the manor. Next was Tanjiro as he reported on finding the children and his fight with Kyougai. Zenitsu reported on his adventures with Shouichi and how he defeated a demon while he was knocked out but izuku knew the truth, while Zenitsu couldn't use all the forms of thunder breathing he was a master at one form that he used in combination with what he learned from his previous master and all the gruelling training ended up making Zenitsu quite strong but he was a coward with great instincts that came out when he was asleep and so he could deal with demons easily when asleep, he was such a master in the one form that he always knew the perfect cutting angle and so he is a slayer that has never broken a sword even in training unlike others, so it's likely he killed the hanyo in his sleep. When they reported on what happened outside izuku and Eri frowned, they didn't like when they heard about it before, and they didn't like it now.

"I have to say Inosuke I am very disappointed in you, attacking a fellow slayer outside of Spars is unacceptable, I understand your desire for fights and to get stronger but you should've known better than to keep attacking it after Zenitsu defended it, and so for your punishment, you will be attending the academy and actually learn the subjects, you will not be given a pass anymore as your current level of education is concerning as you are being considered for an important mission in the future where this is needed, Eri shall also punish you how she sees fit" Eri nodded beside him as did her cat and dog that be beside her. Inosuke paled lessons and Eri punishment this was borderline torture, but he knew not to say otherwise. "In the meantime Tanjirou I will be training you in sun breathing or as you call it the Hino kami Kagura" This made Tanjirou's eyes widen his eyes, this was an amazing opportunity, the only ones izuku trained personally were all the current hashira, he helped them develop the breathing styles and to further his Hino kami Kagura under him was an honour "this will be so you can get stronger for an upcoming mission, I'm planning on forming a team of people around your age and I'm forming it now so you can all bound and get used to each other, so you will all train together under me from time to time. "I shall not fail you, sir, thank you for this amazing offer, who will be my teammates" "Well you've already met two of them, Inosuke and Zenitsu, the others will be Kanao Tsuyuri and Genya shinazugawa, I'm planning on calling this team the five senses, each one of you has one of your senses heightened to an extreme degree that isn't a quirk, you with your smell, Zenitsu with hearing, Kanao with sight, Inosuke with touch, and Genya with taste. You five will be training and taking missions together to improve your teamwork and bonds, this is so you can work optimally for a very important mission in three years so you can all be in too top shape, do you three understand" "YES SIR" shouted all three. "Good you are dismissed, academic lessons start soon so Tanjirou and Zenitsu get supplies and go there, Inosuke our kindergarten teacher will be here tomorrow to start you on reading and writing as well as basic maths, in the meantime, Eri will be administering your punishment for the day" the other two left and couldn't help but wonder why Inosuke was so scared as he was now shaking like a leaf, but they left to go attend lessons. It was mandatory for everyone to attend with a few exceptions as izuku didn't want stupid meathead slayers, he wanted them to have a basic understanding of different subjects. As everyone was attending their lessons a constant stream of pain could be heard alongside a little girl giggling with a few shouts of "My name is not cherry" followed by more intense screams and more giggling.

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