2. Villain slayer corps and hanyo

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Before Izuku could become a vigilante he decided to train, he needed strength and skill, he needed to improve both, and to do so he created a breathing style and concentration breathing, he noticed that by breathing a certain way he could increase his body's capabilities and by doing it constantly would improve his body over time.
Throughout all this he made sure not to neglect little baby Eri he would always play with her and give her the attention she needed. In fact, she thought the breathing training was a game and thought he papa looked funny when blowing into a gourde, since he thought she liked it izuku got her a little mini gourde which she blew into alongside him, so she got a tiny amount of training in too that she found fun, although since her lung capacity increased it also meant that she could scream for a long time and very loudly but he'd always she was happy so this was very rare. he'd carry her around when doing the exercises she liked it when he ran she liked the wind blowing in her face.
After 3 months the breathing training was perfected that Eri somehow got to constant as well although it wasn't as good as Izuku's it was still good, a little genius just like her papa. Next was the sword style, he decided to create a breathing style and he named it sun breathing this took another three months to create, and it currently had 12 forms which were.

1st form Dance - The user performs a singular downwards vertical slash in an arcing motion.

2nd form Clear Blue Sky - The user spins and twists their upper body in a circular motion, releasing a 360° slash.

3rd form Raging Sun - The user unleashes two consecutive arcing slashes around themself in order to strike incoming attacks.

4th form Burning Bones, Summer Sun - The user performs a singular slash utilizing a spiralling motion which extends in front of themself to defend from imminent frontal attacks.

5th form Setting Sun Transformation - The user backflips into the air before performing a singular horizontal slash which aims to decapitate the target.

6th form Solar Heat Haze- The user rushes forth, now attempting to deliver a strike seemingly enveloped in a heat haze, masking the true length and location of the blade to deliver an unexpected strike.

7th form Beneficent Radiance - The user spirals into the air whilst performing a swirling slash upwards to strike the target.

8th form Sunflower Thrust - The user performs a singular thrust utilizing the tip of their blade to strike the target.

9th form Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance - The user performs a large array of consecutive slashes in a continuous motion to strike the target whilst also being capable of decapitating multiple targets.

10th form Fire Wheel - The user flips into the air behind the opponent before unleashing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion to swiftly cut the target in half.

11th form Fake Rainbow - The user performs high-speed twists and rotations, thus creating afterimages used mostly to evade attacks. The afterimages work most effectively on enemies with good vision.

12th form Flame Dance - A two-combo strike that starts with a vertical slash leading into a horizontal slash right after.

After this Izuku decided to set out with Eri as he was going through the funds that he and Daki had saved up.
During his journey he found a village of sword smiths in the countryside by mountains that seemed to touch the sun it also seemed that it was under attack by a group of villains, they were doing their best to hold off the villains were too strong, this is where Izuku intervened with Eri in a baby carrier on his back and uses the 9th form sun dragon halo to slice all the villains down, their bodies all land on the floor headless. Eri just smiled, clapped her hands, and laughed, she was having lots of fun with her papa.

Izuku the vigilante of the sunWhere stories live. Discover now