10. Attending UA university

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A couple weeks have passed since the entrance exam and the results had finally arrived so the five senses were gathered in Izuku's office alongside Eri who was sitting on her father's lap, "well everyone your letters are here so who would like to be the first to open theirs" "ME HEHAHAHA I OF COURSE WAS THE NUMBER ONE SO THERE'S NO WAY I'M NOT OPENING MINE FIRST" when Inosuke opened his a disk fell out "I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION" everyone already knew allmight would be working a t UA so there was no surprise that he was in the video "THAT'S RIGHT IT IS I ALL MIGHT, I ACTUALLY CAME TO THIS TOWN TO WORK AT UA, AND I HAVE TO SAY YOUNG HASHIBIRA YOU SCORES IN THE EXAM WERE EXTREMELY IMPRESSIVE HM, what's this, wrap it up, THERE'S HOW MANY MORE, ANYWAY YOU SCORED FIRST PLACE IN THE WRITTEN EXAM" "ZEHAHAHAHA I KNEW IT I'M THE GREATESDT TAKE THAT HAHAHA" everyone else was surprised at the result that Inosuke did better than all of them in the written portion, I guess Eri is a great motivator " AND FITH PLACE IN PHYSICAL PORTION" "WHAT HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE I DESTROYED SO MANY" "YOU SCARED 125 VILLAIN POINTS HOWEVER THERE WAS SOMETHING WE DIDN'T TELL YOU ABOUT, RESCUE POINTS OF WHICH YOU SCORED 5 IT SEEMS THAT YOU WERE MAINLY FOCUISED ON DESTROYING THE OTHER ROBOTS, BUT WITH THAT YOU BROKE MY RECORD OF 125 POINTS WELL DONE YOUNG HASHIBIRA YOU PASSED, WELCOME TO YOUR HERO ACADEMIA" "hehahahahaha I did it I beat allmight I'm the greatest hahahahaha" the others were shocked as well because if Inosuke was the lowest of them all that meant that they all beat all might, and so the rest went and opened the letters and watched the videos one by one and the results were as such.

1. Tanjirou Kamado 140 villain points, 60 rescue points

2. Kanao Tsuyuri 135 villain points, 55 rescue points

3. Genya Shinazugawa 130 villain points, 40 rescue points

3. Zenitsu Agatsuma 125 villain points, 35 rescue points

5. Inosuke Hashibira 125 villain points, 5 rescue points

Genya's was surprised because he got extra points for looking after Izumi Yagi and calming the situation down after they had all calmed down after a short celebration on passing Izuku spoke "I want to say that I am incredibly proud and impressed with you all passing and without your Nichiren swords too, while we could have given normal swords as they were allowed such as with miss Izumi Yagi you all chose to go in without them and show the results of your training so how about we unwind and celebrate for the night. and that's what they did for the rest of the night they all partied until the sun came up.

time passed and it was now time for UA and Kanao was sitting on the decking outside watching the sunrise as Tanjirou saw her and walked up to her to do something he had been meaning to do in a while as he waved and greeted her 'Hey Kanao, we'll be leaving for UA soon so are you all ready" he got no response as she flipped her coin "yes Tanjirou I am all ready to go I'm just relaxing before we head off so you better get ready to, farewell" "how come you flip your coin anyway" "farewell" "you really made it twirl just then" "I flip this to decide if I want to do something without being ordered to do so. I just decided whether or not to speak with you. heads were don't speak and tails was spoken. it came out tails soi spoke with you, farewell" "Why don't you decide for yourself, what did you want to do Kanao" "It doesn't matter nothing matters at all, so I can't decide for myself." "I don't think there's anything in the world that doesn't matter I guess the voice in your heart is but a mere whisper. sure following orders is important but I want you to give me your coin" she flipped it and then handed it to him, he then stood up and faced her "now then, lets flip it to decide" "decide what" "whether or not you're gonna listen to the voice in your heart from now on!" he then flipped the coin extremely high "if it comes up heads you're gonna start following your own heart!" however the wind blew and Tanjirou moved to catch it "see I caught it, now are you ready" 'which side did it land on, his back was blocking it so I couldn't catch a glimpse.' he then took his hand back and it was heads, he jumped in celebration "It's heads, Kanao" he then took her hands in his and brought his face close to hers "good luck it's the heart that drives people forward, your heart can grow as strong as you want it to!" as her moved away Kanao was looking shocked and flustered "all right I gotta go get ready so I'll see you soon" as he was running away Kanao called out to him "how did you make it come up heads?" "Just by chance, besides even if it were tails, I was planning on tossing it over and over until it came up heads" he then smiled brightly at her as her eyes lit up as he then ran out of sight as she stared at the coin in her hands.

Izuku the vigilante of the sunHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin