Chapter Twenty Three : The

Start from the beginning

"Has the President done anything to find Spencer Downs, her daughter?"

"He has done everything in his power to find her. She has been pronounced dead because her body was not able to be found. But hopefully she is alright and still alive. That is all we can hope for. Thank you for your time." He leaves and suddenly everyone asks questions all at once.

The TV shuts off and I go back to staring at the toys.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Spencer," I hear. There is nothing but silence afterwards.

I just sit staring at the toys still while images played in my head.

The image of the blood on my hands and the image of my mom in the water. Her blonde hair floating.

Her eyes open and so is her mouth. Water enters her mouth and her eyes are filled with fear.

Marks are on her throat from the rope that suffocated her. Her hands are bloody from clawing at the man and the rope.

The water a dark black in the shadow but a dirty blue in the light. Then my mother sinking below the depths forever away from me.

I wipe away a lone tear and then my vision goes blurry with more tears. I wipe them away but I can't help that they pour down my face.

I sniffle a bit but quietly so she doesn't hear. And thankfully she doesn't.

Twenty minutes pass by with me doing nothing.

I hear the creaking of the chair and then I hear Daddy's voice. I turn my head and Mommy is pushing Daddy into the hallway.

"What's going on Peyton?" They don't think I can hear, but it's a trait I learned from spying on my old mother.

My old mom.

"She's not playing with her toys. And she's crying. I'm pretending not to notice but she's traumatized Grant."

"Do you want me to take her?"

"Whatever makes her happy." They come back in and Daddy smiles at me as he bends down.

"Do you want to spend today with Daddy? Huh Cuddle Bug?" I just blink at him.

"She's not talking either . . . "

"Well Baby Girl lets go." Daddy picks me up and holds me on his side. He turns around and then heads out of the room. He stops at my nursery and eyes something before heading in.

He grabs my pacifier and pops it into my mouth. He then goes back out and heads to his office.

I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. When he enters his office he sits me on his lap to where I can be comfortable laying like I am.

He scoots towards the desk a bit and then gets to work.

I try not to think about my old mother's dead body and my mind focuses on how I want to do absolutely nothing. Nothing whatsoever. I can just lay here forever with Daddy.


I close my eyes and just lay there relaxed, sucking on my pacifier. I feel calmed and I'm almost asleep when Daddy starts to talk to me.

"Why aren't you talking huh?"

I don't answer.

"Are you sad honey? Are you upset about your mom?"

I still don't respond.

"I bet you're just traumatized, having your mom killed in front of you. I'm sorry Baby Girl. She had to be killed. You had to be found. You had to be given back to Mommy and I. We're your parents now."

My eyes stay closed as Daddy talks and works at the same time.

"I'm glad you're back Spencer. We missed you so much. You're the perfect baby. We can't ask for anything more. When your baby sister or brother shows up does not mean we'll love you any less. We love you just as much as the new baby. I want you to feel like you belong. You belong here. Don't you feel it?" He asks.

Nothing exits my mouth.

"Well you definitely belong. And we love you. I love you Spencer. I love having you around. Your cute little feet, your cute giggles, your smile, your wonderful brown eyes, your red hair. Everything about you is amazing. You're an amazing girl and we would be lost without you."

He keeps talking to me while I just fall asleep slowly sitting on him.

I awaken this time to Daddy picking me up and laying me down on the couch. I whine a bit but he hushes me and continues to place me down.

I suck on my pacifier and fall back asleep quickly.

I dream of soft words being spoken to me and kindness spread all over but it's then filled with blood. I see blood all over my hands and then I look over to find the room being filled with blood and I drown.

My eyes burst open and I'm still in Daddy's office just laying here. I have to pee, so I just let it go filling the diaper.

I can hear papers shuffling as Daddy still works.

It comforts me enough to where I gently fall back asleep. I don't dream again which I'm thankful for but I do wake up once more to over hear Daddy talking to someone.

"Yeah I need to inspect this DD/lg town."

"Well how are you going to do that sir?"

"We're going to go there ourselves."


"Spencer, Peyton and I. We'll go."

"No sir you can't!" I realize the Ben guy is talking. I recognize his voice.

"Yes I can and yes I will. I want to set up a house there where we can stay. Once I'm done being president, we're going there."


"No don't sir me. Pack up a plane. I'll get Peyton and have her pack up things for Spencer, herself and I. I need to make arrangements to talk to the kids at the DD/lg school."

"Sir what if this goes public?!"

"It won't. I'll make sure of it. Besides the place is secretive anyhow. No one knows a single thing about this town."

"Except for us."

"Except for us, exactly Ben. Now, get a plane ready. We're leaving soon."

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