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On Earth-66, the climax of the battle reaches. Miguel and the other spider people execute coordinated attacks on the symbiotic Spider-Rex

Symbiote: "GUH!"

The symbiote is sent flying by Spectacular, Insomniac, and Peter B. hitting him in the gut with double dropkicks simultaneously

Miguel swoops in and then lands a crushing clothesline on the dinosaur's face, causing it to flip mid-air and land on a web wall created by Ben

Cyborg Spider-Woman: "Turn to ashes you parasite!"

Petra shoots several grenades from her launcher and hits Venom in multiple areas of his body

The symbiote screeches out in pain as his body is partially covered in flames

Miguel: "Now!"

Miguel and the others set up their sonic devices and turn them on. They begin to emit a high frequency that makes the symbiote spazz out and begin to detach himself from Pter

The symbiote continues to yell in agony but steels himself and starts to reattach himself to Pter

Spectacular Spider-Man: "He's resisting the frequency!"

Insomniac Spider-Man: "What's this guy made of!?"

Miguel clenches his fists and furrows his eyebrows

Miguel: "Petra, hit him with some more grenades! Ben, you're with me! Everyone else, on my signal, you pull the symbiote off with your webs!"

Everyone: "Right!"

Miguel and Ben move to another side of the symbiote and ready themselves as the others do the same

Miguel: "Petra!"

Petra fires her grenades and hits symbiote's body, making him almost rip off Pter completely

Miguel: "Peters, now!"

The trio of Peters shoot web lines at the symbiote and begin to pull with much of their might

Miguel: "Ben, come on!"

Miguel leaps at Pter along with Ben and tackles him out of the symbiote's grasp

Symbiote: "No!"

The symbiote is pulled to the ground and screeches again as the sonic devices begin to take their toll on him

After a few moments, the symbiote reverts to a small puddle of his former self

The group of spiders turn off the sonic devices and go and put the symbiote in a containment prison

Insomniac Spider-Man: "Well, that settles that"

The trio of Peters view the puddle of goo violently beating against the glass

Spectacular Spider-Man: "He's still going after all that?"

Insomniac Spider-Man: "It's a good thing we all came then. I don't know if any of us could've taken this thing on by ourselves"

Spectacular shivers at the thought of facing this monstrosity alone, remembering his battle against his universe's Venom

Peter B. then turns to see Miguel and Ben carrying Pter

Miguel: "Mind lending a hand?"

Peter B.: "Nah. You seem to have it covered"

Peter says with a smirk which earns him a middle finger from Ben

Cyborg Spider-Woman: "No need to worry. I will assist in getting Pter back to base"

Petra goes between Miguel and Ben to help in carrying the Dino spider

Spider-Phantom: Spider-Verse X Spider-Man ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat