You're Not Alone

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Two weeks after the tragic event of M/N dying, Y/N is sparring with Miguel inside a training room

Miguel: "Don't lean too much into the punch"

Miguel says as he dodges several punches from Y/N. He then lands a front kick on the teen and sends him back

Y/N skids across the floor until he uses his fingers to stick to the ground, stopping his momentum

Miguel: "Stop telegraphing your punches. It makes you easy to read"

Y/N furrows his eyebrows and gets to his feet. He turns invisible and swings toward Miguel

Miguel puts up his guard as he focuses on listening to the faintest of sounds

Y/N shoots an organic web ball at Miguel which he slices easily

Miguel then leaps in the direction the web ball came from, but comes in contact with nothing

Miguel is then hit in the back, sending him straight down to the floor

Y/N turns off his invisibility and drops down to see Miguel already on his feet again. He jumps backward as Miguel swipes at him with his blades

Miguel keeps swinging his arms as the blades cut Y/N's suit little by little. He then shoots a web line at the teen and catches him off guard

Miguel pulls Y/N toward himself and lands a powerful forward punch, sending him flying to the wall

Y/N's body makes a dent in the wall before falling to the floor

Miguel walks over to Y/N and stands in front of him

Miguel: "You, okay?"

Miguel reaches down to lend a hand but is swatted away as Y/N gets to his feet

Y/N: "I'm fine!"

Y/N walks past Miguel who furrows his eyebrows in response

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The next morning, Y/N is sitting with someone on the edge of a rooftop on Earth-14512B

Y/N: "Man... This view is crazy"

Peni: "You get used to it"

They both sit and stare at the sun rising over the skyscrapers

Y/N: "This is just what I needed-"

Y/N's watch starts to beep. He looks down and sees it's a call from Miguel

Y/N: "Ugh"

Y/N declines the call and turns off his watch

Peni: "Who was it?"

Y/N: "No one important"

A second later, Peni's watch begins to ring. She sees that it's Miguel calling and answers

Peni: "Hey Miguel"

Miguel pops out of the watch as a hologram and looks at Peni

Miguel: "Peni, is Y/N with you?"

Peni looks over to Y/N who is signaling to her, "No" by slicing his hand through the air near his throat

Peni: "Uhh, no..."

Miguel raises an eyebrow

Miguel: "Really? Then why is the last location his watch was before it turned off in your dimension?"

Peni: "Maybe he left it here last time?"

Peni grows a nervous smile as she desperately tries to cover for Y/N

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