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On Earth-1610B, Miles is sent through several buildings and comes to a stop as his back crushes the bricks of a wall. His body slides against the rough texture of the debris as he drops to the ground on his bottom

"Damn it..." Miles grunts and shuts one eye in pain as the goblin-armored girl descends on her glider while faking a yawn gesture with her hand

"Sheesh... Guess your skills don't match your looks. What a shame." The green foe expresses as she hops off her contraption, now taking her time walking toward the young Spider-Man. "Was hoping to have a bit more fun with you, but I guess- WOAH!" She yells while dodging a lightning strike from the boy, causing her blood to boil

"HEY! Watch the mask! This wasn't easy to make y'know!" She ragefully yells while swinging her fist up and down above her head

"Heh. That's new. Never was able to shoot it out like that before..." Miles places his hand on one knee and uses himself to slowly rise to his feet, wincing a bit at his bones aching while his skin stings from the light burns caused by the enemy's pumpkin-themed bombs

"Oh? Still got some fight left in you?~" She playfully and condescendingly expresses with a smirk plastered on her face, making Miles groan in annoyance

"Please, shut up." He now fully stands with his arms dangling at his sides. He shifts his eyes upward to focus on the green foe. "Okay, she can get past my sense and is definitely more experienced than I am, so I can't rely on my usual..." He begins emitting streaks of lightning from his chest that flow throughout his body and concentrate in his arms

The green villain slightly raises her eyebrows while biting her lip. She taps a button on her glider that shoots out a pumpkin bomb, one that she catches and activates. "Show me what ya got, hon~" She says before leaping off her machine and heading straight for Miles who digs his feet in response

"Okay, this better work!" Miles thinks to himself before pulling his arms to his sides and throwing them to the front. His hands clap against each other, creating a massive shockwave of electricity that engulfs the area

The villain's eyes widen as goosebumps are felt throughout her whole body. "Shit!" She throws the pumpkin bomb downward and creates a tiny crater. She shoots a wire and attempts to enter the hole but is too late as the electricity shocks and sends her flying through a nearby building

As the electricity dies down, Miles drops his arms and pants, staggering a bit while his chest burns. "Okay... Not gonna try that again for a while..." He grunts as he walks in the direction of the green villain. He takes a few moments before reaching her, only to find a green helmet lying on some rubble. "Crap..." Miles sighs in annoyance but is soon on high alert as his spider-sense flares. He spins and moves to the side to dodge a stab from the villain

"Got ya!" She yells before pressing a button on her suit that shoots a gas right on Miles, making him instantly cough and drop to his knees

"What the-" He continues his coughing fit and gags involuntarily, cupping his throat as oxygen barely enters his airwaves. Saliva drips from his mouth as his muscles grow weaker and weaker

"You're probably wondering, "What did this super cute girl spray me with?" Well, I'll tell ya, IF you give me a lil' something in return~" She joyously suggests while Miles continues to fight the effects of the gas. "Y'know, what? I'll take that last cough as a yes. So, I need you to listen and stop making so much noise, it's distracting." She says while snarkily waving off Miles, a gesture that he catches and furrows his eyebrows at; however, his eyes widen in shock as he views the face of his opponent

"Gw- Gwen?" His pupils dilate as his face is drained more of its life, a reaction the villain catches and grins at [GR-Gwen(Green Goblin-Gwen) is what this version of Gwen is going to be referred to as]

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