On The Fence

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A week after sending Black Cat back to her universe, Y/N and a Peter from Earth-26496 are fighting a Rhino variant

Spectacular Spider-Man: "Didn't they ever tell you to keep both eyes on the road!?"

Peter says as he wraps his webbing around Rhino's eyes, steering him away from civilians and oncoming traffic

Rhino: "Get off of me!"

Spectacular Spider-Man: "Hey, if you say so"

Peter leaps off Rhino's back and allows the hulking villain to remove the webbing from his face

Y/N: "On your left!"

Rhino turns his head to the left and is hit by a swing kick from Y/N. He is sent flying into a wall and gets knocked out

Y/N and Peter land near the villain and web him up

Y/N: "Man, that guy was tough"

Spectacular Spider-Man: "Guess that's why Miguel sent both of us"

Y/N: "Looks like we're the A-Team"

Y/N holds out a fist to which Peter bumps. He then opens a portal and lifts Rhino with some difficulty

Y/N: "You sure you don't want me to help with the cleanup? I mean, I feel bad leaving a mess in your dimension"

Spectacular Spider-Man: "Dont worry about it"

Y/N then gives a two-finger salute and begins entering the portal

Y/N: "I got you with a burger!"

Y/N enters the portal with Rhino. He and the wormhole disappear

Spectacular Spider-Man: "Heh"

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In the Spider-Society compound, a portal opens up and brings forth Y/N with the Rhino variant

Y/N: "One Rhino hot n' ready!"

Y/N throws Rhino onto a platform that puts up a containment field

Miguel: "Nice work, kid"

Miguel pats Y/N on the back as he goes to talk with Margo on the other side of the room

Jess then enters and inspects Rhino

Jess: "Good work, Y/N. I'll take care of it from here"

Y/N fiddles with his thumbs and goes up to Jess

Y/N: "So, uhh, Jess..."

Jess: "Hmm?"

She hums as she fiddles with her watch

Y/N: "I was wondering-"

Jess: "Peter, take this one down to the containment area for me"

She tells a Peter variant who complies and takes the anomaly away

Y/N: "So, as I was saying... Hypothetically speaking, what would you do if like... You had a thing-"

Jess: "A thing?"

Y/N: "Yeah! A thing for someone who's not really for what you do- but! They also don't oppose it"

Jess raises an eyebrow and looks at Y/N with a hand on her hip

Jess: "Uh-huh?"

Y/N: "And let's say that... well... You also have a thing for someone else that you've known longer and understands almost everything about you..."

Spider-Phantom: Spider-Verse X Spider-Man ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now