You're Like Me

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Y/N begins pacing back and forth. He grips the sides of his hair as he looks at the ground

Y/N: "Okay, stay calm. I don't know where I am, my phone has zero service, and worst of all..."

His stomach growls, making him hold it in anguish

Y/N: "I'm starving"

He slouches his body forward, hanging his head in defeat. However, he quickly jolts his body upright as he gets an idea

Y/N: "I know! I'll just visit good ol' Avengers Tower! There's gotta be one around here, right?"

Y/N puts on his mask, leaps off the rooftop, and starts to swing through the city. He looks over more of the buildings as he speeds past them

Y/N: "Man, it's crazy how it looks so similar to my New York... Maybe I got shot into a different timeline like the ones Cap told me about"

Y/N reaches his desired destination and sticks to a nearby building

Y/N: "Okay, this should be the place-"

His eyes go wide upon seeing a large tower, but not the one he was hoping for

Y/N: " "Fisk Tower!?!" Huh!?"

Y/N stares at the building in disbelief, he slowly lowers his arms to his sides as his feet continue to stick to the building

Y/N: "That... can't be right. Cap said every timeline he went to had the Avengers..."

He grabs the side of his head with one hand as he stares off into the night

Y/N: "Where the hell am I?"

After a few minutes of contemplating his next move, Y/N swings away aimlessly into the night

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The next day, Y/N swings around and sees a hefty amount of people walking the streets of New York. They all seem to be going to one destination

Y/N: "What's up with everyone?"

He switches off his web shooters and turns invisible

Y/N: "Time to switch back to the originals"

Y/N then shoots out invisible webs from his wrists onto a nearby building. He jumps off the rooftop he's currently on and launches himself forward by pulling on the webs. He flips and spins in the air as he leaves behind invisible strings of web

Y/N: "Gotta love being me"

After several minutes of web-slinging through the city, Y/N arrives at the place where a majority of citizens are gathered. He lands on a rooftop and looks below to see the crowd huddled in front of a church. They all listen to a red-haired woman giving a speech

???: "My husband, Peter Parker, was an ordinary person"

Y/N: "Peter!?"

???: "He always said it could have been anyone behind the mask. He was just the kid who happened to get bit"

Y/N: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That guy was Peter!?"

Y/N thinks back to the image of the man on the billboard from the night before

Y/N: "I mean, if I really look hard enough..."

He places the image of this dimension's Peter alongside his own, comparing the features of the faces

Y/N: "I guess there's some similarities... but why does this guy... look so perfect!? No offense to Pete, anyways"

Y/N rubs his chin as he looks closer at the woman

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