"Don't worry about that I'll send my private plane out to get you. You should tell Carlton and Rebecca to tag along. You with that niya?" She shrugged eating.

"Oh ok baller. Hold on."

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey baby how are you?"

"Good I miss you."

"I miss you to. You gonna come out and see me today so get packing when you get home."

"Yay going to daddy house!" I chuckled eating a little here and there.

I arranged for my plane to be ready at noon. After finishing my lunch with Janiya we went our separate ways. Leaving my office I got into my car heading home.

Packing my bags I made a mental check list. I decided for us to stay for a while. I'm on my break from work so I'll spend it with Chris. Mona is so excited she ran into her room pulling out every piece of clothing she has just tossing it in a random bag. she was running around screaming looking for stuff.

We're doing really good getting back on good terms. Talking almost everyday face time every other night. I'm really getting the vibe everyone has been telling me before.

"Mommy I can't find my sandals!" Going in her room it looked like a tornado hit.

"Mona you better clean this up before we leave." I sigh looking threw her closet for her favorite sandals. finding them I put them in her bag after rearranging it to look neater.

I finished packing and set our stuff by the door. Carlton and Rebecca are coming for the weekend since he has to work. It'll be nice for us to be together as a group oh yeah and Janiya. I'm still fuzzy on her lesbian or not. Men and woman can not be friends without something happening that's like a fact. A great example...Rebecca and Carlton.

I plug up my phone, iPad and portable charger while waiting for the soon to be parents. Making a quick snack Mona and I sat watching some music videos.

"Mommy I want sister."

I almost choked. "What?"

"My friend mommy is having baby. I want sister so we can play." she made her stuffed dog dance.

"Um well mommy won't be having a baby anytime soon but you can pretend aunt Becca baby is your baby brother." she shrugged eat her orange slices.

Just then my bestie walks in crying. "God I can't stand you Carlton your so fucking stupid!"

Carlton walks in dropping there bags heading for the kitchen. He came back with three beers laying back in the loveseat. Cracking one open he chugged it in seconds moving on to the next one.

"Woah momma what's up?"

"That boy over there mixed up my order and got me a steak burrito bowl when I clearly asked for a chicken! He never listens to me." she fell into my arms completely breaking down.

"Becca it's not a big deal." I chuckled rubbing her back.

"Whatever it's his fault he should be hugging me instead of you it's his fault."

"I tried to but you punched me in my fucking jaw. I keep telling you about yo hands im'ma stop being nice to yo ass then you'll really have something to be crying about." he went off jumping up storming out slamming the door.

"Look you are really pushing your limits. Did you really hit him?" She shyly nodded. "Babe that's not cool you need to go apologize to him before we leave because I'm not dealing with this the whole ride."

Do Better:the sequel[completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora