path of pain / / yandere!teddy lobo

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ship/pairing: Yandere!Teddy Lobo x g/n!reader

fandom: Renfield

warnings: really out of character and cringe and i hate it, yandere, unhealthy relationships, blood, skin scraping, manhandling, manipulation, driving too fast, breaking legs, swearing, threats, possessiveness, ownership, degrading, crying, cuts, handcuffing

word count: 1456

A/N: i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life

Tears stung the back of your eyes as you walked around aimlessly, your shivering arms wrapped around your chest for warmth, protecting yourself from the cold wind whipping harshly against your skin. The sun had set hours ago, and the moonlight was hidden by dark clouds, leaving your phone flash light as your only light source. This would've been ok if you had any idea where you were going. Your phone had a privacy restriction so you couldn't look up your location and the road you walked seemed never ending, with no signs or anything to hint to where you might've been. Everything around you looked the same, driving you insane as you wondered if you were walking in circles.

'i think you made a wrong turn an hour ago babes'

You glared at the message notification. You shouldn't have expected anything different from Teddy though. It seemed his hobby was making your life as miserable as he could. You had to stop yourself from throwing your phone on the ground in frustration. You couldn't let him win. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you continued walking, ignoring the way your legs burned from exhaustion. You didn't care if you had to walk for hours on a road that led to nowhere, you were not asking Teddy for help.

Another notification came up.

"baby. this is getting boring."

"if you ask nicely for me to come pick you up i won't be as mad as i will be when i have to drag you back to the car when you faint from exhaustion."

Your eyes narrowed in anger, quickly unlocking your phone to type out a petty response. You knew responding would only encourage him, but your exhaustion didn't allow you to think straight anymore. Fueled by frustration, your pace quickened, but while focused on your phone, you lost your footing, causing you to trip over a crack in the cement, sending you crashing to the ground. Warm liquid dripped from your nose and forehead, and your body stung in pain.


You groaned, your arm aching as you reached for your phone, checking the message to see what Teddy had to say about your fall.

"that looked like it hurt"

"are you gonna ask for the help you so desperately need?"

"or are you really gonna make me come get you?"

You really didn't know when to give up. You tossed your phone to the side, and attempted to lift yourself up, only to fall back to the ground. Maybe you ended up twisting your ankle, or maybe you were just too tired, but attempting to stand back up felt like moving mountains. But that didn't stop you. Scraping the skin of your arms against the bitumen, you dragged your body up the road, wincing at every moment. Your body felt like it was on fire with every cut and scrape, and your arms were begging for you to stop. But you didn't. You couldn't.

You felt your heart drop as you heard the obnoxiously loud engine of a car nearing toward you, making you forget about the pain and speed up instantly. You couldn't give up. You couldn't go back. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you didn't try hard enough.

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