christmas pancakes / / dev patel

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Pairings: Dev Patel x g/n!reader

Warnings: none i think

Request: my sister asked for this as a christmas present

A/N: i'm sorry. i know jackshit about Dev Patel, i watched two minutes of an interview of him, but i hope this is still something and happy holidays.

You practically jumped up from the couch to check your phone at the sound of the buzz, glaring at the notification from snapchat. You picked up your phone, clearing the notification, and making note of the time. 9:03pm. Placing your phone in your pocket, you made your way into your small kitchen, pulling out a packet mix of mac'n'cheese. You didn't feel like eating, but you knew you couldn't just stare at your phone for the rest of the night, waiting for a text you weren't even sure you would get. You knew Dev was busy with filming, but that still didn't stop you from missing him so much. What made it worse, is that it was Christmas Eve. You were meant to be watching cringey Christmas rom-coms with your boyfriend, not eating mac'n'cheese all alone.

With your bowl of mac'n'cheese ready, you made your way back to the couch before opening up your laptop and logging into Netflix. As you scrolled through the different options, you thought about watching something Dev was in, but decided against it, figuring that it would just make you miss him more. After what felt like hours, you decided on one of your comfort shows, not wanting to get too into anything before you went to sleep.

After a few episodes, you had finished your mac'n'cheese, and you began feeling your eyelids become heavy, practically begging for you to sleep. With a yawn, you shut your laptop, and pulled a blanket on top of you as you re-positioned yourself on the couch, too tired to walk all the way to your bed.

You hoped Christmas would be less lonely.


Your eyes slowly fluttered open as you reached for your phone on your bedside table to check the time. 10:31am. You groaned, rolling over to resume your much needed sleep, before you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, realising you weren't on the couch where you had fallen asleep, you were lying in your bed instead. You shrugged it off, figuring you probably walked to bed before you went to sleep and just didn't remember. That would've sat fine with you, until you noticed the familiar smell of pancakes coming from the kitchen.

You were too tired to get all panicky about a stranger being in your house. Part of you wanted to stay in bed and sleep for god knows how long, but another part of you knew that the smart move would be to figure out who was in your apartment. You slipped out of bed, grabbing the first thing you grabbed when you reached your hand out to your bedside table, leaving you with a short, soft-covered book as your only protection as you walked out of your room and into the kitchen.

The book dropped from your hands and a wave of different emotions hit you as you stood face to face with Dev, who just smiled when he saw you.

"What are you doing here?" you asked, a wide and confused smile growing on your lips as you tried to register what was happening.

"I wanted to see you for Christmas, so I flew home last night."

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought someone had broken in." you mumbled, though you didn't really care that he didn't tell you, you were just happy he was there.

He shrugged with a small smile, "I figured it'd be a nice surprise for Christmas." he turned around, grabbing something from the kitchen bench, before turning to face you with a plate piled with freshly baked pancakes in his hands, "Here."

You smiled ear to ear as he placed the plate back on the bench and pulled you into a hug.

"I missed you so much."

You smiled, resting your head on his shoulder, "I missed you too."

Pulling away from the hug, he placed a kiss on your lips, "Merry Christmas Y/N."

"Merry Christmas."

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