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when nikki and jaune arrive at home nikki send a message to darius

 the next day darius went to nikki's house.

darius- hello nikki i receive the video you send. so you and jaune had a win and loose in canyon race.

nikki- not only that...jaune is really something else..he cause most police cars during the chase..and he can drive many style in just one night..jaune can be a scout...and one more thing i recommend jaune to use a tuner cars. because he likes drifting.  and he can go faster jaune can also use exotic but i recommend tuners..

darius- ahh so jaune is the one who create that  chase two nights n a row.

jaune- actually nikki is the one who created that chase on the first night...i guide her to a tightest alley that i saw i know my car can fit but in a chase like that..it was a good way to escape by using all the alley and underpass even the blind curves...i notice that most drivers of the police cars can't drive and can't  race and their cars are faster than i have....but i use everything and explore everything....

darius- well that is good....

nikki-so what is your decision

darius- nikki you found a diamond nikki. i will not claimed jaune as my own..nikki jaune is your man.. he passed with flying color. what you told me  nikki i think jaune is ready....take jaune to the town and  assist him to have a driver's license.

nikki nodded..

darius- what are you gonna do next night??

jaune- i will try to challenge angie..

darius-excellent tune your car jaune because angie is no easy opponent..

jaune nodded..

darius- i will watch the canyon race jaune soo all i want to say is good luck because all the bosses can be so intimidated...every boss will taunt you to make you loose your focus..

jaune- it's fine i am not easy to loose my focus...

darius- good..so guys i should leave you alone...good luck jaune..

jaune- thanks...

darius leave the two alone...

nikki- so we will start tweaking your car for your first match..

the two went to the garage to tweak  jaune's car..


angie- so darius what happen to the boy that nikki found..

darius- you should be ready angie..that kid is really something else he will come for you....

angie-ohhh?? do you think he can give me a challenge??

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