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Donatello found a use for the pollen they just colect randomly...
It was a little of gross, in a way... But useful.
He and Leonardo had a strange double mutation, another stomach, a separate one that did not digest food, but part of the pollen and used it as additional fuel for the body.Now, this stomach is not connected to the rectum, and they must spit out the contents sooner or later, so, Donnie just took advantage of a little and did some experiments...But he and Leo ended being doing...Honey.

Although Rapha could not participate in that, since his second mutation went directly to strengthening his muscles and increasing his dexterity and coordination to attend to the queen at all times and protect her. I could still be useful to her in other ways.

He Is The Queen!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz