But him and Roxanne were playing a round of bowling and were talking, so there was no chance.
The Fox's hook gently tapped my chin, turning my face to look up at him.
His hook swiveled around my neck, pulling me even closer.

"Oh but Lassy, It's Just not possible for you to resist me~ no one has done so before. Besides, ain't I better than a bag of flesh human boy? One who of course isn't you?"
I tried to pull my head away, but his hoot kept me from doing so.
"I... no.. I love my boyfriend."
"Just one night in my cove and it'll change your mind darling. You'll never go crawling back to him."
He pulled me closer, his snout almost touching my lips.

"No thank you.." I whispered, my voice shaking as tears welted in my eyes.
"Just... one night.."
He ran his thumb across my bottom lip.

Please Monty, please help me. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, ROXY ANYONE PLEASE GET HIM AWAY FROM ME. Please realize what's happening. I want to get away from him.

"I said no thank you.. I don't want to."
"Heh, you'll realize you want me later I guess. I'll be waiting in my cove for you~"
He let go of me, sitting back and leaning on the bar we were sitting at.

I felt a single tear run down my cheek as I just looked down at my legs. I shut my eyes to blink away the rest of my tears.

"Hey Cher~" I heard Monty next to me, I looked up and wiped my face.
"Oh h-hey... Baby.."
I tried not to look at Foxy to see what his face looked like.
Monty wrapped his arm around me, kissing my forehead.

Roxy sat at a table in front of us, Chica rushing over and sitting on her lap while pressing a cookie against Roxy's lips.
Roxy laughed softly and took a small bite, then Chica took a small bite, and they both kept taking turns.

"You seem tired Cher. Didn't ya' get enough sleep after our night~" He chuckled in my ear.
"Ahh, so yer the lucky Lad huh? Lucky catch, must have had good bait."
Foxy chuckled.

I closed my eyes to stop the tears from flowing again.
Monty and Foxy both talked as I just played with my fingers.

"Yo, Y/N!" I looked up at Roxy and Chica, who were now standing up.
"Come with us, we've got girl business!"
Chica smiled lightly as she tilted her head to indicate where they were taking me.

"I-I'll be right back." I whispered as I slowly stood up from my seat, smiling at Monty as I followed Chica and Roxy out of the bowling alley and across the top floor.

They brought me to Chica's Mazersize. We went in, immediately going to a section with treadmills.
"Heh, are you guys trying to say I need to work out?" I giggled.
"Of course not Silly," Chica giggled, "the treadmills are just where the best girl talk happens."
We stepped on to them, Roxy and Chica on either side of me.

I set it to a slow walking speed, Roxy going up to a jog and Chica going to a speed walk.
"So.. you seemed like you were on the edge of falling asleep in there."
Chica looked over at me.
"Yeah I had Uhm.. a long night."
"Heh, I'll say." Roxy giggled.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Monty tells me everything, he's my best friend."
"Oh.." I felt my cheeks glow hot.

"Awww, you two are so cute together!" Chica cooed.
Roxy slowed her machine down to a walking speed.

"Okay, but real talk. The reason me and Chica brought you here was because we saw you and that damn fox."
I looked down.

"Well, technically Chica did." She pointed at Chica.
"While I was in the kitchen, I saw him. The way he grabbed you and held you close.."
I felt tears well back in my eyes.
"Listen girl, he's done that to all of us. His ego is so far up his ass he believes that anyone who sees him wants him."

"But it could be worse, if we weren't all there he would have totally taken advantage of you.. he did that once to a mother who visited." Roxy looked at me sadly.
I stopped walking, stepping off the treadmill as my legs grew week. They both stepped off of theirs and came to hug me.
My legs felt week and I fell to my knees, sobbing.

They both just reassured me that none of them would let him hurt me, Monty especially.

"Hey," Chica brushed some of my hair out of my face and wiped a tear away, "I think.. just maybe... you should tell Monty.."
"No! No no... I.. I Can't tell him. Please don't tell him! I don't want him to get mad." I cried harder.
"If you really don't want to, we won't tell. But if that fucking fox tries any shit again you come straight to us." Roxy wrapped her arm around me.

"Thank you guys." I sniffled. I hugged the both of them, my best girlfriends. We sat there until I stopped crying, then they brought me to a salon in Roxy Racers and did some light make up on me and fixed my hair and painted my nails. We all prettied each other up and had a few laughs.

"Ya' know," Roxy giggled as she finished putting eyeliner on Chica, "there's an adult section that sells beer back up in the bowling alley! Let's steal a few cases then hang out in one of our rooms."
"Ohhh! Can we do my room?"
"..fine.. but you have to clean all the trash up while me and Y/N steal some."
"Okay I can do that!"

We all talked for a another minute or so planning out a bit more before someone came into the salon.
"Yeah, thought I'd find y'all here."
Monty chuckled as him, Freddy and Bonnie walked in.

"The daycare attended wants all of us to attend a movie in the theater!"
Freddy informed us.
"Sorry boys," Chica giggled as we all got up from our spots and walked towards the door, "we've got plans boys! Girls night!"
"But-" Roxy cut Freddy quickly and impulsively.

"Run Ladies!"
We all ran past the boys, me and Roxy heading back up stares to run and steal some beer as Chica ran to her room to clean.

I grabbed three cases, while Roxy was able to grab four.
We ran past the boys as they were coming up an escalator. We ran to the elevator, spamming the close button. We went down and dashed for Rockstar Row, running into Chica's room as she locked the door quickly.
We all giggled as we set down the beers and sat on beanbags and the couch.

"Heheheh, you guys are my best friends now." I laughed, out of breath.
"Really?" Roxy asked surprised, "you really have no other friends out side of this place that are better than us?"
I thought about my lack of friends outside of this place.

"Nope." I laid back in my beanbag.
"Ohhh! I love being peoples best friends!" Chica giggled as we all talked more.

I think... I really like this place

(A/N: Sorry no Monty POV😋)

Word count: 1,783

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