The girls glanced at each other before letting Lisa proceed.

"What's in that syringe will help Lincoln with his head pains, right?" Lucy asked.

"Correct. Not only will it eliminate pain and trauma in his brain, but it will also increase healthy blood flow and electrical connections, allowing a smoother and more productive thinking process. In layman's terms, Lincoln will be sharper and healthier, thus increasing healthy longevity in the brain," Lisa explained as she wiped her brother's arm with an alcoholic wipe.

Lincoln gave a soft groan as the needle punctured his arm, and Lynn looked away, hugging her brother tight as their ears brushed each other – a soft whimper escaped her lips. Lisa gently pressed the syringe's plunger, and the light green liquid slowly entered Lincoln's veins. Lisa pulled it out once it was all inside him and placed a band-aid on his arm.

"Now that the serum is in Lincoln's system, I can deduce that while there are no negative side effects, there will still be side effects," Lisa confessed.

Everyone turned to her wide-eyed. Lori hoisted her up by grabbing her shirt, and like her sisters, her teeth were grinding with a furious face.

"Lisa! You little liar!" Luna shouted.

"You said there were no side effects!" Lori yelled.

"Calm yourselves, my sibling units! I said there were no negative side effects, not any at all. For any serum you put into someone's system, there's always an effect," Lisa explained.

"Well, what side effects PERIOD are there?" Luan demanded in an angry tone.

"Yeah, what's going to happen to our Linky?" Leni scowled.

Lisa sighed while adjusting her glasses, "The serum is currently making its way to Lincoln's heart and then to his brain. The heart pumps blood throughout the whole body, anywhere from 60 to 100 times a minute. So, with the serum entering his arm, it'll take about one minute to go from the heart to the brain. When it reaches his brain, the serum will significantly reduce pain at a rapid pace. So, Lincoln will first experience a great wave of calm euphoria. In layman's terms, he will feel really good with the pain vanishing."

As she said that, Lincoln experienced just that. It happened so fast and so effectively that Lincoln's balance was lost. Fortunately, he was lying in a bed, so there was no risk of him falling.

"Yep, felt that," Lincoln said, his head wobbled around a little.

The sisters all raised their eyebrows with confusion, except Lisa.

"With the pain leaving, it will cause Lincoln to feel dizzy, and his equilibrium will be unbalanced," Lisa added.

Lincoln's head was wobbling around in a circle as the room was spinning. Lynn and Luna held him to make sure he wouldn't fall off the bed.

"What follows next is a state of distortion, befuddlement, or bewilderment, as it were," Lisa said.

"What are you talking about?" Lori questioned.

"As the serum is healing Lincoln's brain, it disrupts Lincoln's thinking. Once the serum is done, Lincoln will regain control of his brain. Until then, he's gonna be . . . loopy."

"Loopy?" Leni asked, confused.

Lincoln stopped wobbling and sat still for a while with tired, half-closed eyes. Then he slowly turned to Lynn and looked at her for a while before laughing softly. This confused everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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