Chapter 19

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**Vision Dream One**

Sister Fight Protocol. A system that the Loud sisters created on their own when things get heated. They even had a chart to scale the threat level due to the anger and amount of aggressive behavior that they were in. They developed a system on their own because their parents were too cowardly to put their foot down like normal parents. So, whenever the protocol happens, they let their daughters sort it out, and when the threat level rises, they board themselves up in their bedroom with Lily. It was a flawed system . . . one that Lincoln knowing anything of it. Because of this, they felt entitled to occupy any room in the house, including the kitchen, bathroom, and even Lincoln's own room, and even use his stuff without his permission. Lincoln got so fed up with it that he put his foot down.

"You're playing with fire, bro," Luna warned.

"I. Don't. Care! You can't do this! Just because you're upset over a stupid dress doesn't mean that you girls are entitled to do whatever you want," Lincoln explained.

Lori glared at Lincoln and growled, "Lincoln—"

"No! Shut up! You can't take my stuff without my permission! First, you won't let me in the kitchen when I'm hungry, then you won't let me use the bathroom when I need it, and now you're using my bedroom. Why? Because you girls are so thin-skinned that so much as one small insult is enough to offend you. I get insults all the time, including from all of you! You don't see me making a big deal out of it," Lincoln stated.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Lincoln! You're literally on thin ice right now. When girls like us are in this mood, you need to stay out of our way!" Lori yelled.

"Stinkin, don't argue. You wouldn't understand. It's a girl thing," Lynn said.

Lana agreed, "Yeah, Lincoln, there's no point in—"

"I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about how unfair you all are. It doesn't take being a girl to realize how stupid you all are right now, and the really stupid thing is it's all over a dumb dress," Lincoln stated.

Those were a poor choice of words. The sisters were shocked at first, and then their anger began to boil.

"What?" Lynn growled.

"You guys are so blinded by her anger and frustrations that you don't see how unfair you are to me. You want to resolve your problems? Maybe if you look in the mirror, you'll where the real problem. You always blame others for your problems and never admit that you did anything wrong. Why? Because you're too stupid to grow up!" Lincoln spat.

The sisters growled and shot glaring daggers. At this point, Lincoln finally saw the hole he had dug himself into.

"Stupid, huh? And what does that make you?" Lola asked.

Lincoln slowly backed away and tried to scoop to the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going?" Luan demanded.

"Nowhere. That's what," Lynn said, cracking her knuckles.

Lincoln's heart rate skyrocketed, and he felt his legs go weak as his sisters' anger rose. Soon their eyes were glowing red, and fire erupted from their heads. Lincoln felt this wasn't like most fights. This was different. He actually felt like his own life was in danger. There was only one option, and it was the one that the only Loud sister, Lucy, that wasn't in a rage, called out to him.

"Lincoln! Run!" Lucy called.

Lincoln lunged for the stairs to barricade himself in, but Lynn tackled him, and they fell back down to the living room floor. Once there, the rest of the sisters piled on, like wolves or alligators on prey.

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