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POV: Quebec (Who totally doesn't have a crush on Vermont ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  )

So, I packed up all of my stuff, now, hoodie, check, now how to get out? Oh, I have a window, so I open it, and fly out (sound familiar?). And after my flight, I run to my car, wait I forgot my keys. So now I have to go back up to my room, and once I get up there,  I see my car keys, and Alberta. "Alberta? What are you doing here?" I say, shocked "Oh just- wait, why do you have a hoodie on, and your wings are opened? What are you doing?" She asked, "uhhh nothing." and that instant after saying that, I jump out the window "QUEBEC!?" Alberta says, shocked, of course I don't stop and run for my car. Wait my bag! Screw it its riding in the passenger seat. So, drive, I turn the keys into the ignition, and after reversing out, I get out of there, after a few minutes I turn on the radio, wait is that YMCA? Aw hell yeah. And while singing, I notice Canada's car, then Ontario's car, then BC's car, then Alberta's car. Then I realize I'm being chased, so, got to get on the freeway, quick. Okay here's an off ramp, aaaand yes! Lost them, wait, no, no I did not. At this point, we are all easily 10 over the speed limit, but the Airport is pretty close, and I am NOT getting caught while- oh my god Freebird is playing, and I am again, not getting caught while Freebird is playing.

POV: None

Quebec gets out of his car at the airport, gets his bag, and bolts it for the terminal, and apparently he is great at parkour because he jumps down the escalator to the terminal he needs to be at. Now at this point, Canada and his provinces are totally lost, but back to Quebec. He gets through verification, opens his CATSA-Pass (CATSA is the Canadian TSA) and now is through security, now he's getting a call he blindly answers it to see that its Vermont, the sound of Vermont's voice instantly gave Quebec butterflies in his stomach, after struggling not to blush for 4 minutes, the call ends, and after about 10 more minutes, he boarded the plane.

(3 chapters in 1 day. Wow. Also that ship has evolved quite a bit!)


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