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(Songfic. Dont know why, just songfic ((Also angst cuz why not?)) )

Im just a poor wayfaring stranger

Vermont sat on his bed, wondering, why me?

travelling through this world of woe

Quebec saw his guitar, and instantly missed him, why?

there's no sickness, toil, or danger, in that fair land to which I go

Vermont realized the guilt he had. New Hampshire, Flight 728, his dad, Quebec and Canada, for him. And here he was, wasting his life away, on the sacrifices of people.

I'm going home to see my mother

He picked up his guitar, and started to play a tune

I'm going home, no more to roam

Vermont picked up his phone, then a notification. He couldn't believe his eyes

I'm just going over Jordan

He thought to text Vermont, just check in on how he's doing

I'm just going over home

Vermont read the text again "Vermont? -Quebec

I know dark clouds will hover on me

he started to hum, remembering the times he and Vermont sang this song

I know my path is rough and steep

Vermont blinked in confusion

but golden fields lie out before me

"Quebec!" -Vermont R

where weary eyes no more shall weep

"I'm going home to my father" Quebec sang "I'm going home no more to roam" his voice haunting, "I'm just going over jordan" a tear dropped "I'm just going over home"

I'll soon be free from every trial

Vermont opened his window, and opened his wings

this form shall rest beneath the sun

Quebec's wings opened

I'll drop the cross of self denial

He smiled, knowing that if everyone else abandons him, he still has Quebec

"and enter in at home with god" Quebec said the last line of the song knowing, he still has Vermont

(Ok, I know how the last lines look, but there is NO Vermont x Quebec)


(at least not yet)

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