Part 4

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Written: October 31 2023 - Updated: November 16 2023.

Reader's Pov -

I open my eyes and blink a few times, unsure of how I'm still even alive. 'Woah, where am I?' I look around the full room, I was in what looked like a hospital bed.

'I wonder who brought me here-' I sit up, then immediately cry out in pain. My back felt like it was ripped open, then a bunch of acid was poured in the wound. It hurt like hell.

As soon as I sat up, the wound on my back started bleeding again. Then, the door suddenly opened, what I saw was probably one of the most terrifying things ever. It was a tall faceless man, in a suit, and he had tendrils flailing calmly behind him. Though, the figure didn't seem to have any eyes, it felt like his gaze was piercing my soul.

I was in too much pain to even be scared though, as soon as the figure saw it, he called for what must've been one of his workers or somethin'.

"EJ! GET IN HERE NOW!" His loud voice echoed loudly in the small, enclosed room. 'Who the hell is- WAIT- DID THAT THING JUST SPEAK?!! WHAT THE FU-' "Yes, child. I can speak. Sorry if I startled you, but you're badly injured. Please lay back down so your injury doesn't get worse."

"O-okay, thank you.." For some reason, being around this thing- guy? Yeah, guy. Something about being around him brought a feeling of comfort. Like he was gonna take care of me. He seemed like the comforting guardian that everyone would need in their life. But, why the hell is he so scary?

A few moments later, I see a guy with brown hair, a gray hoodie, a navy blue mask, and gray skin walk in. The thing that really caught my attention was the black eye holes in the mask, they looked weird, there was some black tar-like goo dripping from the holes.

It was really weird, but I didn't question it, considering these were the people that were helping me. I let out a small sigh of relief.

Before I could even think, the guy with the navy blue mask walks over to me and sets some medical stuff on a nearby metal table. I stare in confusion for a moment until he speaks up.

"My name's Eyeless Jack, but you can just call me EJ, I'll be taking care of any wounds you get, or I'll be helping you with sicknesses." I stared at the guy for a few more seconds before I shook my head and spoke up. "Nice to meet you, EJ, I'm Y/n. Also, thank you for taking care of my wounds."

The guy now known as EJ grabs some new bandages and turn to me. "This may hurt a bit, but I'm gonna need to take those old bandages off and put some new ones on." I nod in response and turn so my back is facing him.

I don't know why I was so comfortable with these strangers. I just felt like.. I could somehow trust them.

The tall figure finally speaks up and says, "I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Slenderman, leader of the Creepypastas and owner of this mansion."

My eyes widen in shock. 'Wait? Slenderman?! He's real?! Oh my god! This is so cool! I don't know how I didn't recognize him from the start!'

"I'm glad that you're a fan of me, child." "Oh, yeah I forgot you can read minds. It's great to meet you Slenderman! I've always looked up to you!"

Something that nobody ever really knew is that I loved Creepypasta for the longest time, I never actually believed that they were real! But here I am! Sitting right in front of the leader, the one and only, Slenderman!

"So, would you like to be a Creepypasta too? Since you killed those two girls out there."

'Oh, of course he knows about that too, I mean, I'm literally in his forest.' I take a deep breath. "What about my old life? My mum? My friends- well, nevermind, I didn't have friends, but still?"

"No need to worry child, I can send you out to kill your mother, if you'd like. I know how badly you want her dead. Only if you want to go on the mission. It'd have to be after you're fully healed though, and I'd have to send another Creepypasta with you."

"W-wait? Really? Thank you... I'll gladly become a Creepypasta." I grin widely, thinking of all the possible missions I can go on. The one I'm most excited about though, is the one where I get to kill my mother, finally.

"It's no problem, child." If Slenderman could, I bet he'd be smiling. He's the closest thing I've ever had to a guardian or real parent figure. Wow. He's a lot nicer than the stories say. His voice is loud and demanding, yet so calm and soothing. His presence is very comforting.

"Hey, Slender, you need to see this, now." EJ says, shocked. Slenderman walks to EJ's side and looks at my still bloody back. "The wounds. What happened to them?"

"I don't know, I swear they were just there a bit ago. Does she have some sort of healing ability or something?"

"I sensed that she wasn't completely normal, that must be it.. it seems she has a quick healing ability. She can be useful, especially if she can figure out how to use her power on others."

"Woah, woah, woah- I have a power?! A healing power?! That is so cool!!" I grin even wider, as if that were possible. This day is just getting better and better. First, I kill two of the bitches, Kayla and Victoria. Then, I get taken in by the one and only Slenderman and become a Creepypasta. And then, to make it even better, I find out that I have healing powers!!

This will be the best life I could ever possibly ask for. I no longer live with my mum. She'll be dead soon. I can't wait to kill her.

Ticci Toby x Reader - Is This Love?Where stories live. Discover now