Part 2

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Written: October 29 2023 - Updated: November 16 2023.

Reader's Pov -

"Oh well, let's get this shit show started".

"Great, darlin', now let's head out." The old man says before walking out, signaling for me to follow. My mom yells from behind me, "Bye sweetie!" I yell back, "Fuck off, whore!".

That response seemed to make her angry alot, so I always used it whenever she sent me off. She did this kind of bullshit alot. Some random person would get ahold of her and then she would suggest me. I don't know why, I'm literally 17, still a minor. Technically.

'Thank god she never says much to me. No wonder she's a sub.' I laugh at my own dumbness, not realizing the man had been holding the door for me. I rolled my eyes.

'Oh what a gentleman.'

Though, I didn't like the thought of getting into random cars, I still hesitantly got in. 'Ehh, I can just run away later, I don't have to be with this wrinkly prick.'

The entire drive to the guys house was silent. I didn't have to say anything to that douche. I mean, why would someone randomly buy a minor?!

That's illegal as hell! It's obvious that the guy knows, he just doesn't care. Oh well, not my problem, I won't get in any trouble for it.

Sure, I'll be questioned alot. It'll be annoying as hell. But, then again, I'd be away from my mum for good. I need more though. She needs to be dead. 'That bitch should be dead, and I should be the one to kill her.'

We finally arrive at this guy's house and head inside. I mean, this guy seemed like your average desperate, horny, homeless man. But god dayum. His house is nice as hell.

How does this old man even afford all this shit? And how is he even this rich? That old man seems so.. odd? Again.. odd, the only word that suits the guy.

I was too busy looking around to notice the guy staring directly at me. He speaks up, "So, you like the house?"

"No, not really, just looking around." The guy sighs. "Look, I don't actually want to use you for that stuff. I just wanted to help you, I've heard about your mother and you just seemed so.. miserable. I can't stand seeing children like you that way. Sorry if I came off as weird at first."

'Woah! No way! This guy is a fucking legend! He saved me from my mum!'

"Actually, thank you so much! I thought you just wanted other stuff outta that. But I was wrong to judge you so early."

"Thanks, kid, well if you'd like, you can explore the garden for awhile, or the forest. We have a beautiful spot in the forest that I can take ya to."

"Oh, no thanks sir, though I will wander in the forest for a bit. Again, thank you."

"No problem, also the name's Scott."

"Thank you, Scott."

A/N - Not sure if y'all noticed the reference to fnaf. But I hope you enjoyed this shorter chapter. Have a great day/night, my fellow readers! - Adrian.

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