Part 9

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Written: November 5 2023 - Updated: November 16 2023.

Reader's Pov - Time Skip/Back At The Mansion -

Once we'd gotten back to the mansion, Jeff asked a question. An obvious, almost stupid question. "So, why'd you kill that girl/guy so... I dunno.. slow, and painfully?"

"It's simple, they bully, well used to bully me in school. So, I just wanted revenge, there's so many more people I need to kill." I said, not even looking at Jeff.

"Oh.. damn...." Was all that Jeff said, "I'm gonna head to my room now... See ya.." Jeff said as he walked away.

"Buh- bye! *Tic*" Toby yelled as Jeff started walking up the stairs.

I yawned, "I'ma go look for BEN.. Bye." I said while waving. I walked into the living room, and I wasn't surprised to see BEN on the couch with a controller in his hand. He was playing Minecraft and getting absolutely destroyed by a zombie.

"DAMNITTTT!!" BEN yelled after the zombie killed him.

"Heya BEN, mind if I join ya?" I walk to the couch and sit down.

"Mhm.. sure, here ya go.." BEN hands me a controller without looking away from the game.

"Thanks." I quickly join the game and start helping him. We spend about 5 minutes fighting away zombies as a team, then start traveling around the map to find a decent place to build a house.

Time Skip Brought To You By My Dead Chicken -

A few hours later, it's now 4:00 a.m. I look over at the clock. "DAMNN, ITS ALREADY 4:00?!" I ask, out loud.

"Holy shit, I guess it is. I didn't realize we were playing for that long." BEN says.

"I'm gonna head to bed, I'm tired and I didn't realize it was already 4:00. 'Night- well, morning, but see ya later!" I jump up from the couch, "See ya." BEN says as I walk out of the living room.

I run up the stairs to my room and swing the door open, I walk in and close the door behind me.

"Ahh.. finally.... I can get some sleep.." I jump on my bed, not bothering to change into pajamas.

I quickly fall into a world of dreamless sleep, almost as soon as I land on the bed.

Time Skip! -

I sat up and wiped the drool from my mouth. I groaned a bit, 'Ugh, I'm still so tired.. Oh! Wait a minute!' I jump up. 'I can go bother Toby, or someone!'

I jump off my bed and run to my closet, I grab out a [F/C] t-shirt and some black skinny jeans.

I change quickly, then run out of the room.

I run downstairs, almost tripping again. Toby was in the kitchen, eating waffles! "Heya Toby!"

Toby looked up and smiled at me, wait- he didn't have his mouth guard on! 'God damn- he's ho-' I shake my head and smile back at him.

"Hey Y/n. Whatcha doin'?" Toby asks.

"Oh, I'm gonna go find someone to bother! Maybe I'll annoy Jeff!" I smile.

"Oh, why don't ya come hangout with me for a bit? We can both go bother Jeff for a bit!" Toby says.

"Ooh, okay!" I say, happily. "So, where is Jeff?" I ask.

"Jeff's probably *tic* outside with Smile. We can go *tic* look for him," Toby stuffs the last waffle into his mouth and puts his plate in the sink. "Alright! Let's *tic* goooo!" Toby skips over to the door and opens it.

We walk out the door and start walking through the forest, suddenly Smiles runs up to us, barking.

Smiles jumps on Toby, licking his gloved hand.

"Yo, Smiles!-" Jeff groans in annoyance, "Awh fuck, what do you two idiots want?" Jeff asks.

"Umm... Dunno." I shrug, basically reading Toby's mind. Toby looks over at me and nods slightly.

"So, *tic* Jeff. How was *tic* your walk?" Toby asks, trying to distract Jeff.

"Good, but why are you two bothering me, for real? Cuz it's not like you to just randomly ask me how I'm doing. You two have gotta be up to something," Jeff's eyes slightly narrow, due to his lack of eye-lids (hah, loser). "I just don't know what."

"Well, I'ma go on a walk for now, bye Jeff, and Toby!" I say, walking behind Jeff, making it seem like I was walking away.

"Oh, *tic* bye Y/n!" Toby waved.

I secretly went behind Jeff and quickly grabbed his knife, trying my best to make sure he wouldn't notice. But, of course, just my luck. He noticed. "Y/n, what the hell are you doing?" Jeff asked. But I had already had his knife.

"Um.. nothing." I stand up straight, hiding the knife behind my back.

"I saw that.. give me the knife..." Jeff said.

"Umm.. bye!" I started running. "Ruuuuu- *tic* -uuun, Y/n!" I heard Toby yell.

I heard Jeff following, close behind. "Gahh! I'm sorryyyyy!!" I turn around. "Sorry, not sorry!" I knee Jeff where the sun doesn't shine, and he drops to the ground, groaning in pain. "Oww.. you bitch!" Jeff yelled.

I took the chance to run past him and back over to Toby. "Let's go hide it now!", Toby nods and we run into the house. BEN, EJ and LJ were in the kitchen and saw me and Toby running.

"Yo, where are you two goin'? And why in such a rush?" EJ asks.

"Oh ummm... We kinda.. stole Jeff's knife, so now we need to hide it." I say.

"Wha- how'd he not already kill you?!" BEN asks, basically jumping out of his chair. "Well, I kinda kicked him-" I get interrupted by BEN gasping.

"Ouf, uhh.. I wish you two luck, good luck living, especially after kicking him.. there..." BEN says.

"Mhm, well we gotta go nowww! Buh-byeee!" I yell and start the run through the mansion, searching for a good hiding spot with Toby.

A/n - I'm sorry if this chapter was boring! The next one will be interesting though! I swear! Thank y'all for reading, have a great day/night, my fellow readers!

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