Part 3

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Written: October 31 2023 - Updated: November 16 2023.

Reader's Pov -

Damn, that Scott guy took a huge turn, it was weird. He acted all weird in front of my mum, now he's being all nice? I mean, I believe that he just wanted to help me, if he didn't, he probably would've raped me by now.

I shuddered at the thought of ever being raped, again...

Yes, I had been raped before, it was by.. one of the older bullies I school. That guy was always so fucked up.

His name was Aaron, he was such a dick. I mean, who would just randomly decide that their in love with the person they bully, and then rape them because they rejected them?

I wouldn't date him anyways, even if he had been a good guy, he was always a strange guy, got into many fights. He was just your average delinquent kid, always making problems and causing trouble for everyone.

I don't even think he felt guilty after raping me. He was insane, I swear. He even tried to lie about it in court! Oh well, I'll never have to deal with him again.

I start walking through the woods, as I walk through the woods I breathe in the fresh, crisp air. I was always an outdoor person, part of it is because of the stuffiness inside my house, my mum was a huge smoker, I swear to god that woman smoked like 4-5 packs a day. I always tried to convince her to stop, but she never listened.

Eh, not my problem. I shrug it off. Like I always do with all of my problems. I let out a long, deep sigh, I was so tired of all the bullshit at home, I just wanted to run away forever.. maybe I could do that..

I mean, nobody would miss me, right? I have no friends, my bullies couldn't care less if I died or not, so.. why not?

As I continue to wander deeper into the forest, I hear some voices in the forest; remembering that my school was going on a field trip, after school for some reason. I groaned and tried to ignore the voices, as I got closer. I realized that it was the bitch that I hated most. Kayla..

I tried to sneak past, hiding behind trees; but one specific thing she said caught my attention. "God, I hate Y/n so much, she's such a pathetic little whore like her mother. She doesn't deserve to live, she's nothing but a waste of space in this world." Kayla says to one of her bitchy friends, of course, it was slut #2. Victoria.

I stopped in my tracks, 'I swear to god, I'll kill that bitch!' I stand there, listening in on more of their conversation, before picking up a somewhat sharp stick.

I jumped out from my spot and jumped right on top of the bitch. She screamed but then quickly realized it was me. "Oh, it's just you-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I shoved my stick straight into her left eye. Kayla screamed out in pain, I smile maniacally at her screams of pain.

'Finally, I get to kill her' I hear my thoughts getting louder 'Kill her, finish her, make her suffer, she'll never get away with bullying you. Nobody has to know about you murdering her.' I continued to brutally rip her eye out with my sticks before taking it out and stabbing it into her right eye.

All I could hear were her screams of pain. It was wonderful. After, I'd found a knife sitting on the ground, 'Wow, how cliché' I pick up the knife and slit her throat, feeling no remorse. Finally putting a stop to her screams.

I stand up to see a horrified Victoria. Her turn to die. I jump on top of her, knocking her to the ground. She seemed to be too scared to even move, she was hyperventilating, until I stabbed her with the knife. I stabbed her right in the side.

Oh how I loved the feeling of the warm blood running through my fingers. The blood splattering all over. The screams.

I cut open Victoria's side and reach inside to grab an organ. I feel around for a moment and finally reach her ribs, reaching inside; I rip her heart out.

Her screams filled my ears, but I wouldn't stop until I had my revenge. I rip out her heart, the color from her face quickly drained within a few seconds. 'Wow, those two were pathetic, too pathetic to even fight back. Heh.' As I observe her heart more, I get the urge to taste it.

'No! I will not try a human heart! Though it looks so... delicious- no! Nuh-uh! I'll never eat a human heart!' Without thinking, I shove the heart down Victoria's throat.

I stand up, proud of my work. I hear a few twigs snap so I make a run for it.

'God damnit! Not now! I can't get caught!' I run and run, lucky for me, I had always been an excellent runner.

I ran for about a mile, once I stopped, I basically collapsed, my lungs desperate for more air. As I sit on the ground I hear another twig snap; I don't even bother getting up and trying to run though, I was too tired.

I look up at the thing before me, only to see a horrifying creature standing in front of me. My eyes widen in horror, I scoot back a bit, not sure of what the creature is capable of. Without warning, the creature jumps on me.

I felt it's sharp claws digging through my spine. The last thing I saw before blacking out was a man, in a brown hoodie with a blue hoodie, he had orange goggles and a mouth guard.

Everything after that was black, 'Woah, what happened?! Where am I?! No no no! I can't be.. dead, right?!'

I was trapped, in my own mind, in the darkness, I was completely unconscious.

Toby's Pov -

'Woah, a girl? How? Nobody ever comes this far into the woods, hmm.. strange...' I look down at the now unconscious girl, she's actually quite beautiful. She had [Long/Short] [H/c] hair. I wasn't able to see her eyes though.

"Get outta here, Rake!" I yell at the Rake, Rake just growls and walks away. 'God, he's such a pest, oh well.'

I look down at the girl again, getting a closer look at her, she was covered in blood. She seemed to be on the run from something as well, before Rake got here and attacked her. 'Oh yeah! I should get her inside! She could be of use to us..'

I pick the girl up, some of the blood got on me, some of it was hers from her back almost being torn to shreds, some of it seemed to be cold and dry; like she had just killed someone awhile ago. 'Damn, would this girl really be capable of killing someone? I mean, she's quite small. I wonder how old she is..

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