Part 1

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Gonna start adding dates y'all, so I know when I made the chapters or updated them.

Written: October 14 2023 - Updated: November 16 2023.

Reader's Pov -

The cool autumn breeze made my hair blow in the wind. It was such a nice day, for October, it was getting closer and closer to Halloween. My favorite holiday. The time when I could finally dress up and not be made fun of, well at least not by some people. Kayla will do the normal bullying, she probably won't mess with me too much though. Not since what I did last time she messed with me. She won't even look in my general direction, she used to beat the shit out of me.

Now she doesn't even dare come near me. I almost stabbed her eye out with a pencil. I should've done it. I wish I did, that bitch made my life a living hell, she caused my brother's death. Oh how I missed you, Nick.

Nick, my brother, was the only one that understood me. He had always been there for me when I had rough days, even though he was going through worse. There wasn't much I could do though, he never let me help. I wish I would've just helped him anyways, I could've dealt with that bitch, I'll make Kayla pay for what she did.

That little shit had the audacity to bully my brother, she was so mean. She said such cruel things, she knew he had depression, yet she never cared. Then again, a selfish whore such as herself doesn't know how to care about anyone else but herself.

I was about home, I was less than a block away now, usually I'd have already been stopped and beaten by now. I forgot to mention, Nick's friends blamed me for his death. I don't know why, I didn't do anything to make him even think about death. If anything, they should be up Kayla's ass. They even knew that me and my brother had a great bond. He was always there for me, and I was always there for him. During our hardest times, we got through, together. Without Nick, I'd either be a completely different person or just be dead.

Once I'd finally gotten home, I opened the door to see my mom waiting on the couch in her usual slutty outfit, since she was a prostitute, she was almost always busy with men. Oh how I missed the old days, when dad and Nick were still here. Mum would've never been like this, if dad hadn't left.

She hated dad, for whatever reason, but not because he beat her. I've never asked her, I don't really care to ask. I hated that man too, he always hurt mum. "Hey sweetie," my mom said, in a sweet tone, as if she were about to ask a question. "I was wondering-" mom was at a loss for words, until she got to the main point. "Honey, I'm gonna need to.. sell you," "YOU WHAT?! TO WHO?!" "Don't worry sweetie! It'll only be for a few hours! It's an older man, in his early 60's, he just wants a fun time-" "I refuse to go with some old man, just for money! Why can't you be normal and get a real job?!" I yell at my mom, she sighs in frustration. "I'm sorry, but I can't deal with your attitude today, just head upstairs and put on the outfit I set up for you, he'll be here soon," she looked me in my eyes "Be fast." I glared at her, not saying a thing, knowing it'd only get me in trouble. Especially with my attitude and anger issues. I storm off to my room.

Opening the door and slamming it behind me, I look on my bed to see the slutty little two piece outfit on my bed. 'There is no way in hell, that I'm going to be wearing that. And I sure as hell, am not going with that old man.' Right as I was about to throw the outfit away, my mom knocked on my door and opened it a bit. "He's here, come on down." I rolled my eyes and sighed, I opened the door and hesitantly walk down the stairs to see an old, wrinkly, and bald man. He was dressed up, very formal. "Hey there darlin', you must be Y/n, hmm?" I manage to say a somewhat kind sounding "Yeah," as much as I didn't want to go with the man, this would be my opportunity to get the hell away from mum. A new chance to explore different things, I hope. It'll only be for a few hours, but a few hours is a lot of time for something so simple. I just wanted to wander around in the woods, without being yelled at by my mum.

Mum always yelled at me for the dumbest reasons, like me simply just reading. Ah, how I remember the good times, when my mum was still with dad. I sat up in my room and read for a long time, I listened to a lot of [F/b]. Those times were short, mum and dad were happy, until he found out that she was cheating on him. Once he found out, he just took all of his stuff and left without saying goodbye to me or Nick. He never came back. I wonder how he's been doing? Ehh, I don't really care, he didn't seem to care either. Agh, I'm done with all this thinking. I'm so ready to get out of here, finally I can get a break away from this damn house. I swear to god though, if that creepy ass old man tries anything, I'll cut his little dick off.

"Well, darlin', we should be on our way now," he turns to face me, with a cold and pure evil smile on his stupid face. Something about that old man just pissed me off, past the limits. This man had just looked straight at my boobs! I turn away from him. 'What the-' I got snapped out of my thoughts by his hand waving in my face. "Y/n~ Come on darlin'~" no words could describe how uncomfortable I felt, even though it had only been his hand touching mine. I was sickened by the entire idea of even being in the presence of this guy, he seems extremely.. off? Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it.

"Oh well, let's get this shit show started".

A/N - HELL YEAH, IM BAAAAAAAACK! Finally! I have time to start writing again! I had some of my friends help me with the choices, since nobody voted for another name, love y'all! - Adrian.

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