Chapter 8: A Date?

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Agnes' Pov

I guess things returned to normal a little bit since the guys came back. Less awkward and more stories of the things we all missed out on. Their tour sounded amazing, all the fans, the screaming, the music, and the places that they all went to just sounded like they were living the dream. As well as suddenly a shit ton of new tattoos. Surprisingly they accumulated a large following ever since they went on tour and we can't go to public parks because they will get chased down, and hunted.

I had gone to school for the first time in three days and decided to face the music. I don't know if Luke was mad at me, if even Jai was mad at me, but if I missed any more days the diploma that I had worked for is essentially down the drain. I took a deep breath as I stepped out of my car and walked the halls in my shades. The punch was healing but bruised still and I didn't want to put makeup on so this was my only solution.

I opened my locker and saw a stuffed bear and some chocolates, "Did you like it?"

I jumped slightly and turned to see Jai standing there with a satisfied look on his face, "Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wanted to be nice since I didn't know if you were okay or not."

"Thanks for the concern, but I am doing alright. I think."

"Still bad, huh?" he asked as he pointed at my sunglasses.

"At least it is healing," I smiled at him as I closed my locker and walked to our class.

"You aren't mad at me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Why would I be mad?" He chuckled, "It was Zyra's fault. Not yours"

"I just wanted to make sure,"

"I did have a question though,"


"Those guys that were with Kenzie, who are they?"

"They were our childhood friends. They left for a bit but they came back that day, that's why I was pretty all over the place. It was just like a big brain fart all at once."

"Okay good to know," He smiled over at me as he opened the door and let me in, going to our usual spot, "Hopefully we can meet soon."

We pretty much fucked around all day not paying attention to the professors and ended up just laughing our way to the last bell.

"Okay guys, next week is finals week. I want you guys to well on your exams and ensure that I will not see any of you in the Spring." She smiled at all of us before the bell rang and like a flock of pigeons everyone began hurrying to leave.

"What are you doing after this?" Jai asked as he waited for me to pack my stuff.

"Hmm I'm not sure yet, my sister said something about family dinner, or something but she can't cook so I'm not sure." I shrugged as I followed him outside near the courtyard walking towards the parking garage.

"Do you maybe want to"


"I swear to god if my hair gets pulled again," I utter before turning and seeing a smiling Calum and a Michael behind him, "Oh never mind."

He approached the both of us before giving me a soft hug, "What are you guys doing here?"

"I wanted to see you," He chuckled before looking behind me and smiling, "Oh hello, Jai, right?"

"Ye-Yeah. Nice to meet you?" Jai said or more likely asked him.

"Calum by the way," Calum said as he shook his hand awkwardly.

"And I'm Michael." He said from behind Calum and proceeded to wave to Jai before he side-hugged me.

"So let's go Nes?"

"Oh yeah let's go," I said smiling before turning around to meet Jai's eyes and said, "Jai I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Yeah no problem, see ya," he smiled as he backed away quickly and I turned to face the two.

"So why are both of you here?" I asked as I leaned on my car.

"I wanted to take you on a date," Calum said boldly.

"A date?" I asked an eyebrow raised, "So why is Michael here?"

"Someone needs to drive your car home," He smiled before grabbing my keys tossing them to Michael, and grabbing my wrist running to his car.

"Michael don't you dare scratch my car!" I yelled out as I was pushed into the passenger seat.

"So where are we going?" I asked a few minutes in as we were driving into an unknown location on a road that I had not yet explored. He only smiled and reached to his side and pulled out a mini bouquet. I couldn't help but blush at the gesture and gently smell the flower, "These are beautiful Calum."

We eventually arrived at a restaurant. Not just any restaurant. It was Dante's Magnolia Bar, the most famous restaurant in all of Sydney. As a kid, I used to always tell Calum to take me there when he got famous. And I guess now he is.

"This is insane Cal," I said as my eyes widened seeing the big, glamorous sign that I had only ever seen on the TV, "This is like a dream."

Calum held the door open for me as we stepped out of the car, "I feel so underdressed."

"You're gorgeous, " He smiled at me before leaning down to place a kiss on my cheek

"Reservations for Hood please," He said to the lady before she smiled and led us to the more private section of the restaurant we were seated at a table by the window, where we could enjoy the view of the city lights. The lively city was bustling for a weekday. The cars were driving along the road at a normal speed, but they seemed to just go along with the flow. The people were laughing and having a great time. It was perfect. Even the restaurant was gorgeous, probably even better than the TV ads portrayed them. The lights were warm and soft, the fine china was clean to the touch and the silverware and glasses were sparkling. The works of art all over the walls were all mid-century based and were all expensive looking.

The waiter brought our menus, and we carefully chose our dishes, talking in between and we just discovered more about each other, more than we thought we already knew. Tour stories, social media stories, and our next steps in our careers. We laughed, we talked, and time seemed to fly by as we just lost ourselves in the night.

"So what did Michael do once he found out you cut his last piece of underwear?" I chuckled as I bit into my chicken.

"Well," he paused as he swallowed his drink and wiped his mouth with his napkin, "He blamed Ashton. And it was amazing! They argued for a good while before he settled down."

"To this day does he know that you did it?"

"Not a clue," We both laughed.

I took a sip of my drink and looked at him. He was giving me a weird look and I asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm just not used to seeing you drink. Wine of all things."

"Trust me, I've done worse." I chuckled, "Didn't you guys drink often back then?"

"Every gig we had at the bars we would drink after closing, and from the few that you've gone to Nicole told us not to. She said that you might get ideas."

"Little did you all know that I had already been drinking then." I smiled remembering those memories. Though it didn't last for long, it was a core memory.

"Oh trust me we could tell,"

"Who's we?"

"Well, Luke, Michael, and I were great at seeing you walk into class hungover, or tipsy. We just didn't want to make it worse for you."

"I am glad that those days went by quickly," I sighed as I took another drink, "T'was rough." He could only laugh in response.

And just like that, the night was filled with laughs and fun. We stayed at the restaurant for hours and had a few more drinks.

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