Chapter 2: Day Drinking

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Agnes' Pov

We slowly walked into the dreaded high school and walked our separate ways as we usually do. He would go find Luke and Michael. Then I would find Kenzie or Zyra. Since Megan had already graduated and so has Nicole, and Ashton.

 As I turned the wall to my locker I saw a familiar figure running to the nearby restroom, to which I followed suit. I made sure to check my surroundings first before I yelled out the name, "Zyra is that you?"

"Agnes?" She asked before I heard more spewing sounds in the last stall.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I pushed open the stall pulled her hair back for her and rubbed her back.

"Yeah," She smiled tightly, "Just had too much to drink last night."

"I'm sorry I left so early, it was just a lot."

"Girl please," She laughed as she finally sat up, "It wasn't my place to say, and I should've kept my mouth shut."

"No, I'm glad that you told me."

"You want something to celebrate with?" She asked as she reached out to her backpack and pulled out a shiny-looking bottle.

"Are you crazy?" I whispered loudly, "You just finished throwing up, and you still want alcohol?"

"Do you want some or not?" She asked as she wiggled the flask in my face and let out a little smirk.

"Fine," I chuckled as I grabbed it and took a swig that I was not prepared for. I partially choked before cracking up.

"This just shows that you need to start drinking more," She laughed before she reached back into her backpack and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter and lit it.

I just looked at her with a confused look on my face as I'd never seen her smoke before, "When did this start?"

"Yes, I know that look and this?" She said pointing to the lit cigarette, "This is just a hobby, you know to look cool and all."

"I don't think sacrificing your lungs is a good idea-"

"Yes please," She sighed as we both stood up from the stall, "I don't need a lecture. I've been getting enough of those already. I need a friend." She pushed it towards me, offering me to take a puff. After what seemed like an eternity, I took it into my finger and gazed at it slowly before putting it in my mouth and taking a puff.

I coughed even worse than I did with the alcohol, and once again she just laughed at me, "Agnes what should we do with you?"

We just laughed and laughed and before I knew it, it was already third period and she was once again tipsy, and we both smelled like absolute trash. "You have any perfume on you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think so," I finally reached into my backpack for once and pulled out my signature scent, and sprayed the shit out of us.

"Okay, hurry before we're late again," I laughed as I helped her up and we washed our hands and walked out of the bathroom slowly. Good thing it was rush period and everyone was too busy to notice the last bit of smoke coming out of her mouth as we headed to our shared class. It was some sort of history that we had with some of the guys, which heightened my fear levels a bit.

"Don't make it too obvious Nes, they'll notice." She patted my back as she stepped in before me,

"Hey guys look, it's the alcoholic's daughter," Gino, one of our classmates who for the life of him, could not mind his own business. He has money, comes from a great family, and has hated Zyra and me since we were kids.

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