Babysitting/girls like us

Start from the beginning

"I said you were right" he almost yells.
"I must be going half deaf because you are as quiet as a mouse right now" his eyes narrow but still, he repeats himself. "You. Were. Right" Elias barely grits out and before I can deny hearing him for the fourth time he sprays me with water. "Hey!" I shout wiping my face that got shot at.

"I know you could hear me" he announces and I shrug. "Yet you repeated yourself how many times?" I pretend to count on my fingers.
"Oh yeah 3 more times" i waggle three fingers in the air to really grate his nerves and it works, he closes in on my space and tilts my head up to his eyes. "You're are so lucky Diego is sat in the sink right now" my heart thrums with awareness, he's so close, so warm, so right.

"You can't do anything, you wouldn't do anything" i taunt, dangerously playing with his restraint. "Maybe not now, but later" his eyes darken with lust and i gulp, thinking of everything he could do to me and everything I'd let him do to me. Fuck, there's not much I wouldn't. Before I can dwell in my dirty thoughts his thumb presses to the top of my forehead before dragging in a diagonal across my eyes, nose and only stopping at the bottom of my neck.

The feeling of his touch distorted my surroundings but then he steps back and everything comes flooding back. I turn to the mirror already knowing what I'd see. a green streak runs across my face, no doubt thanks to the big hunk smirking two steps away from me.

"I'm going to kill you later"
"Sounds like a good time to me" he retorts with dazzling eyes. Idiot. Turning from his heated gaze I focus back on Diego. "Alright rocket lets get you cleaned up shall we?" His toothy beam makes me smile as I start to wipe the drying paint from his olive skin. Thank god none of it got into his hair, I think I might of cried for him if that happened.

Soon enough Diego is looking as fresh as a daisy and I carry him back to his brother who waits by the door, sister beside him, with all of their belongings in hand. "Ready?" They both nod and I lead them toward my car. Everyone climbs in as I strap Diego to his booster seat. We are driving in no time, and to pass the short drive I play some songs that Diego and even addy sing too.

"Alright I'll see you guys tomorrow, and addy if you and your friend want to go to the mall let me know and I'll take you"
"Thanks Iris, bye" she waves, smiling as she leaves my car and walks up her driveway.
"Thanks again I'll talk to you tomorrow"
"Bye ris ris!" I wave at both boys who return the gesture before I start the drive back to Elias'.

I've barely shut my car door when my sisters come barrelling out of the house.
"I'm tired can we we go?" Gracie whines with a sour pout. "Yes we can go, have you got everything?" They nod, jumping into the car as Elias appears in the front doorway. I falter eyeing him with a twinge of disappointment. I don't want to leave him yet.

"I hope you weren't planning to leave without a goodbye" he calls out to me, stepping down the driveway with a towel in hand that he ruffles his wet, free from paint, hair with.
"You ruined my escape"
"Good" he smirks, pulling me in by the hips.
"I'm surprised you lasted the whole night without killing or being killed by the kids" he raises a shoulder, dropping it with a proud edge.

"I won't say it was easy because Luis has a special way of getting under my skin but he's a good kid. They all are" his hand moves to cup my jaw and his hot skin warms my cheek as I smile softly.
"Lu would take that first part as a compliment" I tell him, "Oh I have no doubt that the little shit would" Elias rolls his eyes but I see a glint of amusement in the bronzed orbs.

"Hurry up and kiss so we can leave!" I jump in Elias' arms as Ava honks my car horn and yells out of the window. "I better go" he chuckles,
"Yeah you should, call me when you get home" a kiss seals our goodbye and I find myself driving away from him and his warmth faster than I had wished. Jesus what has this boy done to me? I'm already missing him and it's not been three minutes since I left! I need to get a grip of myself.

Falling for the unloveable On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara