Good Morning Cher

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I climbed into the ride cart as Jeremy walked over to a control panel.
"You're new right?"
"Uhh... yeah.."
"Heh, wish I could say the same. I've been around since the first restaurant. Fredbear's dinner. The one with the spring lock ones."
"Oh yeah, I've heard of that one. I've done research.. that poor boy." I slumped back in my seat. He was silent for a second.
"... poor boy.. I knew his brother ya' know. He was a good kid deep down." He looked up at me sadly.
"Hey! You're wearing the Gator's glasses! He must like you a real bunch to let you wear those."

I took the glasses off my face and looked at them in my hands.
"Uhh.. yeah I guess so.." I giggled as the ride shuddered under me and I began moving slowly.

"See ya on the flip side collage." The ride continued to move as I entered a dark cave.
There were cutouts of Roxy, Chica, Bonnie and Freddy. And what looked like a teenage Monty. He looked up to Bonnie it seemed and Bonnie gifted him his bass. Then Monty got a make over and joined the band. It was quite nice I will admit. Then the ride stopped by the catwalks. I heard Jeremy's voice come over a small speaker in the ride.

"This is your stop, enjoy your day, bud." I giggled and jumped down to the catwalks, walking over to a little fake space like gun.

I picked it and and looked forward, seeing s large bucket.
"Boo." I screamed loudly and turned around to face the man behind me.

It was Monty that fucking prick.


While I was up on my stage, I couldn't help but see Y/N at the bottom, starring at me.
When I came down, and moved off to the side where Y/N was, I made sure to look at him the whole time. I even tossed my glasses to him. Then when I had to move, I was kinda sad. I wanted to look at him more. I wanted to look at him while I preformed. I wanted to impress him. I wanted to just be by him...

Still not gay though...

When the show was over, I rushed back stage, trying to spot Y/N, watching as he made his way to Gator Golf. I made my way up to the catwalks trying to see if I could spot him down below. But I saw him by one of the shooters, so I snuck up behind and just simply said "boo."

He screamed and turned around to look at me, my glasses falling from his forehead down to rest on his nose.
I chuckled as I took them from him, placing them back on my face.

"Good mornin' Cher." I chuckled as I walked away from him softly. He followed behind.
"You ass, you... did you just call me 'Cher'? Like... Ozzy Osbourne's wife Sharon?"
"Uhhh.." I was flustered.
I do like Ozzy Osbourne, and I have always wanted to call my significant other Cher to represent Sharon.

"Yeah... is that.. okay?"
"Yeah no no, it's fine I don't mind.."
We walked along the catwalks until we were at a part that looked straight over hole 12. We looked down at some kids making poor attempts to make it into the hole. We giggled at the parents yelling at a kid who had run onto the level and wouldn't get off.

"Hey," Y/N asked, "why didn't you wake me up last night? I would have just gone home ya' know. I didn't mean to steal your couch, besides I'd just be back later tonight."
"Nah, you looked peaceful and I didn't wanna disturb you."
"Wow, you're just a sweetheart, huh?"
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?"
"I talked to a mechanic up on the ride station, he said you must like me a real lot to let me have your glasses."

"Uhhh... yeah.. I guess I do like you.."
"Do you... like like me?" He asked teasingly.

He giggled as he started walking back down the catwalks.

"I like you Monty.. I liked your performance. It made me feel funny."
I followed behind him.
"Made you feel funny?"
"You winked at me and it made me... feel a sort of way. I don't know, my body just felt drawn towards you. I wanted to watch you."
"You liked it?"

"Yeah, and I like you."
"Do you... do you love me?"
I asked nervously, looking down and refusing to look him in the eyes.

"...I think I do.."
I looked back, but he turned away. He turned to the bars that kept people from falling off the cat walks and leaned on it, looking down. I came up next to him, leaning down so we were at eye level.

I felt weird, something I've never felt with a girl. I slid my hand over to his, taking it in mine.
He pulled away, walking away slowly.
"Where are ya' goin?"
He turned to me slightly.
"I can't do this Monty. You're... I.. We've only known each other for a day. And you've said it yourself.. you're not gay."
He looked away sadly and continued walking.

"Who cares what we are?! And what if... what if I am... gay in a way? What if... what if I do like you?"

He looked back at me.
"But you hardly know me! We've spent less than a day together... what if you don't like the real me?"
"I know you enough to want to be by your side and take you on dates." I walked up to him, leaning down to his eye level.
"Doesn't that sound nice Cher?"

"It... it kind of does.." His eyes met mine. My eyes glanced to his lips, him clearly noticing as he quickly leaning forward and kissing me. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, picking him up and standing up straight as our lips were still connected.

When our lips separated, I held him bridal style and walked along the catwalks, down to the employee only stair case and taking the elevator back down to the first floor and making our way to RockStar Row.

I took him to my room and I kissed him again. I set him on his feet, my hands slipping under the brim of his leggings. He gasped and backed up.
"S-so soon?" He asked nervously, but those leggings allowed me to see how he felt about if ya' know what I mean.

"Please Y/N, I fuckin' need you."
I whined as I grabbed his arm.

Word count: 1,984

"I'm not gay" (Monty x male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz