You took the Polaroids of us

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I laid in bed with the Polaroids in my hands.
I still didn't dare to look at them
I knew what I was expecting and I was excited
But I felt kind of bad thinking about her maybe feeling pressured to do it
After all these months of our relationship she didn't even got the chance to touch me properly
I always had reasons why to not let her
I just didn't want her to feel awkward while doing it
She was still a virgin before our first time and didn't had experience
And especially not with a girl
I just didn't wanna fake anything
I knew it sounds bad and selfish but idk what to do

I turned the first Polaroid around
It was simple but stunning
She was sitting in front of her mirror with a short silk pyjama
It was my favourite pj and she knew that
Polaroid number 2
She was laying down
It was a selfie and her shirt was really low cut
She put on her sweet smile and fidgeted with her hair in her hands
Polaroid number 3
This one wasn't really revealing or anything
But I could see that it was after the monopoly party
So our first night
She was sitting on the bathroom floor and made a fake confused expression
I smiled to myself thinking about that day
Polaroid number 4 was again more revealing
She was sitting with her cat in her lap with only a tight bikini
She wasn't smiling in that one
But her blue eyes did the rest for her
She looked gorgeous
Polaroid number 5
I gasped when I saw the picture of her under my bed covers looking all sweaty
I knew exactly when this was
I stared at it longer than I should've
I just couldn't put it away
But I was so not ready for the next ones
Polaroid 6 and 7 were very similar
She wore her favourite pair of underwear and sat in front of my mirror
It must've been taken while I was taking a shower cause my clothes were laying in the background
Polaroid 8 was really shocking
She was sitting in my bed
Again all sweaty and flushed
Only covered by my oversized t shirt
She looked innocent in the camera
She liked to present herself as that but I knew that she wasn't that innocent after all
Polaroid 9
I could tell the mood she was trying to set
It was again a selfie
Her arms and knees covering the important parts
She didn't wear anything but I couldn't really see something cause her arms were covering most of it
I was glad that my cousins didn't get that far

My urge to call her got stronger and stronger
I knew my cousins were in the room next to me
But I didn't care

I searched her contact and called her

,,hey lov"
My voice was quiet and low
For two reasons
,,oh saw the pictures didn't you?"
,,I'm only at pic 9 but oml what are you doing"
,,oh you don't like them? It's fine sorry idk what I-"
,,no no no it's not's just"
I could hear her smile though the phone
,,look at the last ones"
I did what she told me to and they left my mouth hanging open
She let out a chuckle
,,how..when? did I didn't notice?"
There were 13 Polaroids in total
And all of them were taken during make out sessions or...smth else
,,I was surprised you didn't notice but you were just too busy"
I was speechless
,,oh you little-...if I get home you'll be in sooo much trouble"
,,mh yeah right"
,,don't tease me right now!"
,,I won't"
,,I've never excepted something like this from seem so sweet and innocent"
,,well rep...we all have another side..."

An: oh gosh I didn't just write that...ANYWAYS
hope you're all alr and did you guys notice that I've been updating moree?
Love you all 💓💓💓

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